Squares Frame
The Squares Frame represents a picture frame made of square tiles. The width, the quantity, the color of the tiles and the opacity of their edges are defined in the Settings Panel.
The frame Squares consists of two parts: Outer Frame - on the image below it is made up of green tiles, and Inner Frame - blue tiles.
The Settings Panel offers the following parameters for this digital picture frame.
Transparent. When the check-box Transparent is enabled, the image under the frame becomes transparent. One may need it on an image with several layers; in this way, the image on the lower layer(s) is visible and serves as a frame.
Check-box Transparent enabled
Color Gradient (0-100%). This parameter changes the opacity of the tiles' edges. At 0% the tiles' edges are solid, as you increase the value of the parameter the transparency of the edges increases, the tiles look more three-dimensional.
Color Gradient = 5%
Color Gradient = 40%
Outer Frame
- Squares Color. The color plate Squares Color in the Outer Frame field sets the color of the outer tiles. Select a color by double-clicking the color plate and choosing a color from the Select Color dialog.
Green color selected
- Random Colors. When the check-box Random Colors is enabled, the outer frame is formed by motley tiles.
Check-box Random Colors
for the Outer Frame is enabled
- Outer Frame Width (0-100%). This parameter sets the width of the outer frame. At 0% the outer frame is not drawn (only the inner frame appears), at 100% the width of the frame makes a quarter of the minimum image size (as to its width or height).
- Square Count (0-20). This parameter sets the number of squares that the outer frame will include at the defined width. At 0 the outer frame will not be drawn at all.
Outer Frame Width = 50%,
Square Count = 5
Outer Frame Width = 50%,
Square Count = 10
Inner Frame
- Squares Color. The color plate Squares Color in the Inner Frame field sets the color of the inner tiles. Select a color by double-clicking the color plate and choosing a color from the Select Color dialog.
Blue color is selected
- Random Colors. When the check-box Random Colors is enabled, the inner frame is formed by motley tiles.
Check-box Random Colors
for the Inner Frame is enabled
- Inner Frame Width (0-100%). This parameter sets the width of the inner frame. At 0% the inner frame is not drawn (only the outer frame appears), at 100% the width of the frame is a quarter of the minimum image size (as to its width or height).
- Max Square Count (0-20). This parameter sets the maximum number of squares in the defined width of the inner frame. At 0 the inner frame will not be drawn at all. At a value of the parameter > 0 the number of squares in every row is set at random and vary from 0 to the set maximum number.
Inner Frame Width = 50%,
Max Square Count = 5
Inner Frame Width = 50%,
Max Square Count = 10
Random Seed (0-9999). This is the starting number for the random number generator that defines the distribution of tiles at the inner border of the frame. Every number corresponds to a particular tiles distribution (provided all other parameters stay the same).
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