Look what our customers are saying. Send us your opinion for others to see!
AKVIS NatureArt:
 I tested this in the recent days and I like several features of it – since I like to sometimes play with photos and create art by manipulating my pictures.
My favorite after the short test period is the water element. One of the coolest feature is the water reflection.
AKVIS Sketch and Refocus:
I’m an amateur photographer, taking pictures mostly of landscape, nature and sports (especially motorsports).
So far I’ve used the Sketch and Refocus. I’m very happy with those programs, and I’ve created quite nice art of some photos. I have currently 10 of those printed on metal and hanging on a wall at home.
I’ve posted some of those to my Instagram account. In case you are interested, you can find them under my account @kh_sportphotos. Perhaps you will notice which ones are created with help of the Akvis Sketch and Refocus?

Kari Hassinen, Finland
 I will state that I have had a load of fun using the programmes that I do have and they make my photos snap!!
Once again thank you for the brilliant after sales service and prompt replies to my e-mails.
Kindest Regards

Nick Lee
 I really like your software, your paint simulation for adobe premiere looks pretty incredible.
I found that mixing different presets makes effect even better.

Dawid Meller
 I just want to say that the frames app is a game changer! Makes it so easy now to do digital scrap booking and I use it for making calendars. Just this past weekend I had a cousins wedding and I surprised the bride and groom with a framed pictures of them using this program. Also I just realized that there is a custom frames. I had made a frame and thought that I would have to use photoshop CS4 where it takes me hours. When I was using your program that's when I found the custom frame and was able to import my frame and in a matter of seconds merge my frame with the picture. WOW I was dancing for joy! Thanks Akvis for making a program that any person from beginner to experienced level of person can use this. What a time saver and your frames are beautiful. I get so many compliments on the scrapbooks and your frames. Thank you thank you thank you.

Sharon Spodar
 Dear Akvis,
I really love Akvis Sketch. It is such an amazing product with so many incredible features. Sketch has helped me to produce and sell beautiful works of art. I love to converting photographs into watercolor art pieces, and a key component of that magic is having great lines. This is where Sketch comes in. Akvis Sketch is simply the best product on the market for producing the outlines I need to create a believable finished product that wows an audience and makes them want to buy. The process is simple and the results are outstanding. Thank you so much, Akvis! You make my life easier! Everyone should be using the spectacular Akvis Sketch!
Greg Collins, Digital Artist
 Back in the 1970s my mother showed my sister and I an old metal trunk full of my great uncle*'s handwritten World War One diaries (*Captain PW "Bob" Chapman), Red Cross reports, sketches and photographs from 1917. As (Australian) teenagers we typed up his very personal account of life in the trenches in Gallipoli and the Western Front, ending abruptly when he was killed in The Somme. Also inside the trunk was an official photograph after he was awarded the Military Cross for bravery during the Battle of Fleubaix (Fromelles) months before his death.
With my mother in her 90s now, the typed manuscript is a reconnection for her of family and shared experiences on ANZAC Day, and 2 years ago I showed her this colorized image I made using Coloriage to help her remember. She smiled, and that made my day.
From my first attempt, I obviously need to develop my skills with the skin tones but I was pleased with the results achieved by AKVIS Coloriage relatively quickly with the software, and I like the way it provides scope to re-adjust and play with colors tones to get a more realistic image.

 Akvis Lightshop and Akvis Neon are my first go-to plugins when I need
to modify the light on an image. They can transform quickly a basic image into something fancy.
  I would like to say how impressed I am with the Akvis Sketch software. Quite easy to use for a beginner, there's so many possibilities. The first project that I used Sketch for, I created a sketch from a photo of a Hot-Rod, then sent it back to my Raw Editing software, then blended it with the part processed original photo. It was fun creating this blend and look forward to coming up with further fun creations.

Colin Boyland
 I have almost all of the Frame Packs. I had made multiple suggestions that they add the capability of adding text to the framed pictures within AKVIS Frame Packs. And just recently they added it. I'm so over the top happy! Their customer service on all their products is exceptional. I love Akvis Neon. It makes some really cool pictures even cooler! I already have lots of them but will be getting more. Thank you AKVIS!
Darlene Salisbury
  At the moment i have 4 products from Akvis, bought at Franzis, examples are watercolor and sketch.
Great software to do creatieve things with your photos, the software is easy to use and the results are great.
Furthermore the software runs smoothly without any problems. 
Gerard van Hoeijen
 The Akvis video products are amazing and my friends don´t believe the results the plugins delivers! It´s so easy to install and to use, both in After Effects and Premiere Pro. Believe me, it´s like a dream that you can buy for an affordable price!
Carlos Eduardo Keller
  I am not sure how I stumbled on Akvis software but I have been hooked ever since. Just as one example, I have a lot of old graphics which don't really live up to today's standards. I convert these from 72PPI to 300PPI, resize them, then with the use of Neon, Artwork, Airbrush, Sketch and now Draw, which I just purchased yesterday, I literally turn these old, sometimes grainy, graphics into beautiful works of art. I use your software every day, even on new graphics and photos. I love taking shots of old crumbling barns then seeing what I can do with them in your software. Amazing stuff and I am so glad I found it. I am building a poster project right now and Akvis software has touched every single piece in a big way. My next project is to illustrate a children's book and I have already experimented in building some scenes using Draw to soften the pictures. Love it. Oh, and I love SmartMask too but I am just learning how to use all of the features. So much easier and quicker than my old method of removing and exchanging backgrounds even though I have not even begun to access all of it's capabilities. Sincere thanks for making my life so much easier. 
 I really enjoy working with the Akvis Airbrush Program. I like to use it with
sunrise photographs, that are sometimes over and under exposed. Great
Robert Bolger
  My wife and I love all your softwares and the frame packs. I use the Frame Packs all the time. Is is so easy to use and they are all wonderful. 
Tim & Jaime
 As a photographer I use different PC-Programes. But I love the Akvis Tools. I especially like to use Sketch, Draw and Neon to edit my photos. Fantastic results are guaranteed after a short training period.
Klaus Bock
 I love your different applications on some many pictures. At my age it keeps me busy experimenting going from one of your programs to another of your magnificent programs. 
Meredith Watkins
 Akvis do a range of interesting programs at reasonable prices, if I could afford it I would buy all of them, so for the time being I will gradually build up my collection with the ones I find more useful to me, Charcoal to start with.
Ron Evans
 For some time now I have been a very satisfied user of Akvis Artsuite and Decorator.
The user convenience and efficiency of these plugins as well as programmes are valid.
With the advantage of the simple and clear respective user manuals on their site.
What is also important, the license is lifetime. However, as a minus, I would like to mention that there no Dutch versions
are available and the upgrades are only valid for one year. 
Gabriel Schrauwen
 Not satisfied with the selection in Photoshop for select object. So I want to do it with AKVIS SmartMask Home Deluxe.
Geert Noij
 Love your products! I am still learning the scope of them but the results have been great! 
Dave Schmerer
 AKVIS allows you to create a unique look for your projects that I have never seen before...turn real video into a sketched cartoon. WOW!!
Garry Buycks Jr.
 My computer crashed last week and I am just downloading all my programs. Your site is excellent. I was able to find all my programs and set them up again. I had saved all my serial numbers so that was easy. You saved me tons of time and effort.
I think I've been with your products since day one. Excellent stuff.
Your products are so great and I enjoy using them so much. Your website makes sense and is so easy to use.
I've been using AKVIS since it first appeared. Now own 43 of their products. Most of their Packs like Gothic and favourite Steampunk. Use Refocus quite a bit. Art Suite because of all the frames. Oil Paint is super. Awesome stuff.
Gerd Jaunich
 Akvis has come a long way over the years, I am mainly a semi pro music
producer, but these days taking control of all aspects of production is
essential today which includes editing photos for my website, this saves
me lots of time and money. Over the years my favourite Akvis plugins
have been ArtWork, Sketch and HDR Factory and now we have AliveColors
which has shaken up the industry.
Ryan Anthony (Phat Monkey)
 Beautiful software and so easy to master... My favourite is Akvis Draw. 
Reg J Poyser
 The software deliver the best results for achieving the water color image that I have ever used.
Ed Broussard
 I totally love the AKVIS frames. I have almost all of them.
Darlene Salisbury
 It is a great company who is there to help when needed. I am having problems loading their filters into Photoshop 2018 as they are taking several minutes to load. I wrote them and they responded quickly "Thank you for reporting this issue, it has already been reported by other users. We are working on fixing the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!" I appreciate a company that cares beyond the initial sale.
Jerry L Jividen
 I use AKVIS Refocus for my digital photo processing needs. Excellent product.
Vijay Tipnis
 Akvis Coloriage is great! I use it quite often and it offers outstanding results. I would say it is the best coloring software in the market. Well done Akvis!
Ovidiu Potecasu
 Even if you do everything by hand, using just mixer brushes, Akvis Sketch can be a nice way to top it off, I always run a top coat with sketch draw or charcoal, in multiply blend mode.. it ties everything together. Highly recommend these drawing or sketch tools, wt them and just standard mixer brushes, you can paint with the mouse and end up with top-notch result...
Kenny Patty Driscoll
 My Love for Akvis: I wish if I can light up the whole world with Akvis Neon. I Love you akvis and all the products specially Akvis Neon like my family.
Pushkar Chatterjee
 Your software is truly impressive. As a casual freelance artist and illustrator, I have used Corel and Jasc photo-editors, and AutoFX filters, for years, and your line is giving them both a serious run for their money! Looking forward to what you guys do next!
Kathy Kubica
 I have been a fan of Akvis for a few years now, I’d say that I am very addicted. I already had Make Up, Coloriage, Retoucher, SmartMask, Multibrush, and now I have 5 more amazing Akvis software plugins that I won! I am so proud of myself as my winning card was made in the afternoon of the 26th, I worked hard to get it in the contest in time. So you can imagine how I felt when I found out that I have won second prize!
Akvis has the best plugins I have ever used, or found on the internet. I am always watching for something new!
Thank you Akvis designers, great job!
Sheila Mark
 I really enjoy experimenting and creating with these tools.
Vitée Tao
 Wow! Coloriage is great! I do some digital art for games etc., and really enjoyed using your software....wanted to share a couple that I did for a friend in like 20min -- Amazing GUI, super solid, sturdy program... Thank You!
Emyli Evyrling
 You can be sure AKVIS Coloriage, to take the photo in Black and White and put in Color, is the best in the market. Easy to work and when you finish... Beautiful!
Carlos De Bernard Mas, Panama
 I have been using AKVIS Retoucher and AKVIS Coloriage for a while now and they really help me with my photo restoring and colouring in black and white photos.
Brian Hillam
 I own & use 2 AKVIS Home Deluxe products: NatureArt & Sketch. I primarily use them as Ps CC plugins.The things I like most about these products are:
(1) Tremendous flexibility & variations re: the looks that can be produced on my photographic images with them,
(2) For basic usage, the products are very intuitive to just pick up & apply - but there's another layer of sophistication that's possible if you read the product User Guides,
(3) The fact that I can use the products either standalone or as a plugin is a plus. My workflow is mostly in Ps CC, but if any issues arise with Ps it's nice to have the option to work standalone using AKVIS. The one downside for me - as a non-working person with no income - is the extra cost I must pay to get Deluxe versions & extra "looks" and tools I want. But as far as what can be achieved with the software, I highly recommend it. Try the trial versions to see what works for you and your artistic intents!
Cindy Kruger
 I love playing around with Pastello*, it is so easy to use and some great effects are obtainable. I use Pastello along with Adobe Photoshop as part of my workflow.
Ron Evans
* Pastello — AKVIS Pastel

Having a need for processing of over a million pictures with different tools I decided to acquire Akvis products since their offer possibility for separate batch processing using every tool and many running instances can be launched in parallel which speeds up operation. My expectations were met 100%, the tools are easy to use and batch processing works excellently on huge picture collections.
Akvis support is exemplary too. I met with some issues due to the fact that a small number of my pictures had issues with their jpeg formats going beyond strict specifications. I got full and very quick help for solving those issues to my full satisfaction.

I love akvis software, and the team gives a excellant service.
Sylvie Ti-cacou Proulx

This is the best version Yet. I absolutely think this is the very best Akvis has done! Great Job.
By the way I need to show you the cover to my latest book. My first murder mystery. The Cover was designed with Akvis Sketch. It immediately received the WOW! factor.
Take care and keep up the great work you are all doing. You have a life fan in me here.
Tom Watson
Award Winning Children's Author T.E.Watson

I strongly believe that AKVIS Products, especially Sketch/Draw/Charcoal, hold tremendous prospects in the field of commercial art, fashion illustration and mass communication.
Its digital to analogue image conversion styles introduces a fresh dimension in delineating almost any subject be it portraits, fashion, travel, industrial designs or even journalistic reportage .
And with constant product improvement, AKVIS Products could very well hold its own in the face of other artistic illustration programs such as COREL Painter.
I certainly look forward to AKVIS gaining secure foothold in the digital-imaging software industry in the years to come as the world becomes increasingly digitised.
Lito Tiozon

AKVIS Magnifier - This software really does help smooth enlargements nicely and much easier than fiddling with so many settings in Photoshop. Similar competitor products don’t seem to do any better than yours but cost much more.
Deborah Oakley

I am not a person of many words, however AKVIS programs are my primary go to programs, without them I would not have been able to have developed the look that I expect in my images.
Ed Kozlowski

You are again giving me another reason to drool.
Your software engineers are always at the leading-edge of the digital-to-analog imaging business and are simply second to none.
Keep the good work going! Endless cheers!
Lito Tiozon about AKVIS Charcoal

I use Adobe photoshop elements 12 and use Akvis Sketch program and have made sketches on friends and family they love them. I also won a program on a raffle it is Magnifier and it works great.
Jim Hughes

Well I used to be an oil painter along with some other media I used. Now I enjoy photographing both portraits and landscaping. I use Akvis software to help me make a picture into an Art piece as if I painted myself. I love to do touch ups on Portraits. I want to collect all of Akvis Software and experiment with them and come up with something to be proud of.
Reatha Carey

My story is simple - I have used Akvis software to create beautiful graphic paintings - impressionistic - and then used that to paint from and create my own version in watercolor. It works very well, and I am really grateful to you for your kind help.
Elyn MacInnis

I love these products!! They are amazingly intuitive and easy to create a masterpiece!
Alice Gipson

I use sketch on layers in Photoshop so I can then blend in using masks and the brush tool to sharpen and highlight edges and also make b/w sketches with selected coloured subjects to add points of emphasis.
Tony Brown

Akvis software lets my imagination create a whole new reality based on the original image with a tool set that is easy to plug-into and hard to put down.
Greg McElroy

I became a fan when I need to find a way to help me render a series of castle photos taken in Scotland. The artwork was to be placed into a new children's book of mine. The photos themselves looked alright, but drawings, I thought, would look so much better.
Since I am not an artist, but know computer software, I thought there had to be something out in the ether that would be great inexpensive and would make these photos look the way I wanted them to look. Then I found Akvis Sketch. I was instantly hooked. The effects and the various presets were exactly what I had been looking for, and the style I was hoping to find. I have used Sketch for several years now as well as several other AKVIS products. I have reviewed many other similar types of products from other companies, but nothing, in my opinion beats anything Akvis puts out for none artists. Great job guys! Keep em coming.
Tom Watson

AKVIS has the highest quality software for graphics and photography. If I could afford it I would have it all. I has done some very special renderings for friends and family that will be saved forever.
But then you must know how good your products are!
Dale Loewen

My use of AKVIS software has so far been limited to Chameleon, Coloriage, Sketch, and Enhancer. I am primarily a Photoshop user but I have found the AKVIS products to be very compatible with PS and have saved me a lot of time effort that achieving the same photo effect in PS I have.
David Garcia

I have spent a very long time in search for a tool that could easily do all the enhancements that we needed in our client auditoring photos. Nowadays we use Adobe Photoshop with some success, but due to its multitude of features and functions, and some of them are very hard to teach, the results vary a lot from one inspector to the other.
I believe I have found now, in Akvis, the right tools to our needs. Powerful software that is very focused and specific to each problem. Fine menus that are easy to understand and easy to use. I am installing three copies in three different users, to see how easy they adapt to the new interface.
Very excited to wait to see the results. Good expectations...
Walter Hoenen

I've used Retoucher for years, it's the only foolproof way of removing unwanted blemishes and scratches from photos. I've also found it the only successful way to remove time/date stamps from photos.
Dennis McCreery

A few years ago, I was asked to create several concept sketches for an advertising company. Typically I would gather several reference photos and sketch each concept drawing by hand. The company's budget was so small I would not even come close to earning minimum wage so I looked for another way to achieve the sketch by hand look the company wanted but to speed up the process so I could make some money.
That's when I found Akvis. I downloaded the trial version which worked so well that I purchased the software. Now I can set myself apart from the competition by offering high quality art but faster and therefore at a lower cost and still make money.
David Gage

Formerly black and white pictures of people illustrating my science history website became alive in colour by using Akvis Coloriage. Albert Einstein is relatively 100% better looking. Florence Nightingale lights up the page. Srinivasa Ramanujan looks alive again. Teddy Roosevelt's young son Quentin sits on a lawn of green grass instead of bland sepia mud. You share the childs fascination as he looks at a plant. The green leaves of the plant he is looking at come out a different green than the grass. It's so magical it must be alchemy turning lead-grey into pure gold. Colours, that is. Yet Coloriage is beyond magical to use. It detects with such stunning accuracy its own edges between shades of grey to apply color to areas on each side of the hairline on a face or layers of clothing. But best of all, it gives the user an artistic skill you would never have thought possible. Coloriage takes care of filling in so much of the fiddly details, and can make a faded old photo jump off the page to get the attention of the viewer. Which is everything about what a Webmaster wants.
Ian Ellis

I use a translation program to make myself understood because my Dutch is not much out of here. Previously used in PS to make sketches but it was always a lot of work, and the result was not always to write home about. With AKVIS now I make sketches like I'm real artist, and I get a lot of praise for my work. I work a lot with layers so that I can build, style and sketches to an even higher level in collaboration with Artwork that I use in my workshop.

I am in online digital art group Mod. We make extensive use of Akvis software in, weekly, transforming 7 or 8 photos into art. We call it "artifying". I recently bought Draw, in Multiply mode, it adds a lovely sketch effect to a watercolor, for instance.
It's really helping. I'm slowly becoming an illustrator who also paints.
Terry Rutherford

I have been an illustrator for years. In fact I'd been employed as a screen printing artist (free lance and full time) for about 15 years before I entered a job as a computer graphics artist.
I've always wanted to learn to paint. I'd attempted a few times as a kid, but never really got any traction on my attempts. Recently I've gotten back to doing art for fun and wanted to try to learn to paint again. Having, now, studied painting techniques I've been using the AKVIS paint to study how to see images differently. It's really helping. I'm slowly becoming an illustrator who also paints.
Steven Moore

My photos have a wonderful new dimension now. I have received so many compliments on my work. I love AKVIS Sketch! Thank you so much for helping me achieve that special look in my photos!
Deborah Baker

I have been a landscape oil painter for years after graduating from art college. I painted professionally selling in galleries and commissioned work. I also taught oil painting lessons. I was through my teaching that I came across Akvis. My students were having trouble turning their photos into paintings as there was too much detail to paint in the photos and they were getting bogged down and frustrated. So I went online to see if there was some sort of program to help get their photos closer to their finished painting. Thats when I came across Akvis. I was able to take their photos and turn them into painting and this was a great help in creating the finished work. As I gained experience with the program I was so happy with my results that I started making greeting cards and then framed prints. I now have a small business selling framed prints.
Franklyn Spence

I use the Akvis Sketch Plugin... I just love the sketch effect ... it turns your photo into a wonderful work of art at the push of a button! I have done sketching in photoshop, but the Akvis sketch takes it to another level. I would love the bundle, but at this time I am enjoying using the Akvis Sketch. I have had it for about 4 years now, and another thing is that all the upgrades to the plug in are free. That is what I like about Akvis... you buy it and all upgrades to the plugin you get automatically. Keep up the great work!

Akvis Sketch has opened a whole new world for me with my amateur photography. I take a standard so-so photo and I am able to change it into a presentable piece of art. One of these days I may even get the courage to present my art just to see if it is sale-able. It certainly appeals to me and I would hope it would appeal to others.
I have manage to put some of my photos on the UglyHedgehog forum just to see the reaction I would get, I am very happy with the results. The purchase of Akvis Sketch has been a real turnaround for me, I will be trying other Akvis products in the future which should only enhance my photos further.
Larry Metzler

Recently had a problem downloading some AKVIS Software, that required me going to my local Apple Store. The Apple Rep did spend about 10 minutes to do it right.
Issue was solved by "copy & paste"..
Once it was completed, the store mgr. saw a couple of the effects from the Beauty Pack, and remarked it was "really outstanding", and said he was going to tell the other Apple Reps about AKVIS.
Ronald Wolf

I use Akvis Artwork and find it to be very well designed and fun to use in my creative, mixed media digital process.
Matt Zumbo

I have used Akvis, probably since the beginning. My reasoning is I am a photographer and looking for new ways to encourage our customers to buy our work. That is a big deal! Keep up the great work.
Laura Tatro

NoiseBuster and Enhancer are the 2 that I use most, with NoiseBuster getting the heaviest workload. Almost ALL of my "final copies" are Noise Busted at some point to produce the best product that I can create.
Kevin Kemball

AKVIS Sketch is an essential part of my process. I don't use the Sketch filter output alone but blend it with other created layers. I have developed my process for an unique look.
John Moore

I love the way AKVIS apps allow me to do such incredible things with my photos. They take the normal to creative and great photos to awesome. For example, I like to take photos of my daughters marching band - close ups of the band members. I turn them into cartoon images and send them to the students - they are always a hit and them begin to request I take photos of them so they can be turned into cartoons. This is one way of getting normally unassuming kids to shine and actually want their picture taken. Thanks AKVIS.
Jack Perdue

I have used AKVIS software for a long time and still have the Enhancer on my computer... I use it to do graphic art.. LOVE IT
Maurizio Martinoli

I love Akvis software. I like to combine the effects of multiple filters to get unique results. For instance, I use the draw filter first. Then I use the sketch filter and combine the two in photoshop using blend modes to produce interesting results.
Andrew Richardson

I tried out the Akvis Oil Paint under the ten day free trial period and was amazed by the results which it was possible to achieve by using the program in conjunction with other editing software. By this I mean that I took elements created in Akvis Oil Paint and pasted them into other formats - by means of going back and forward between programs - building up layers and leaving some parts of the image untouched, I was able to create digital works of art which would not otherwise have been possible. A whole new world of creativity was opened up before me, how I wished such technology had existed when I was an art student and eager to learn and find new ways of creating collages and semi-abstract images based on the human form. The Oil Paint software is of particular benefit to artists like myself who are constantly experimenting and trying to push the boundaries of representation and incorporate startling color combinations into their work. This is truly a 21st century artistic idiom the full significance of which may not be fully acknowledged until future historians study our present era. I am excited about being one of the artists to embrace this technology and intend to develop more images and post them on my website in the near future.
Deirdre Keetley

I purchased a print online - supposedly made from a glass negative in 1930. What a disappointment, looked like it had been put in the enlarger the wrong way round i.e emulsion separated by the glass thickness and hence out of focus. Purchased REFOCUS and, amazingly, transformed the picture so much so that I was able to publish a half decent image. So impressed that I offered to "improve" a friend's inherited image that was somewhat soft and being a picture of a ROLLS ROYCE a big let down. AKVIS to the rescue and another amazing result - hats off to REFOCUS, an amazing piece of software indeed. Keep up your great developments, thank you.

To my way of thinking, any experience with AKVIS is the best! I downloaded and used Sketch for the full 10 days and had a BLAST - it is ideal when working with images of animals and babies.
Sad to say, the money I'd saved to purchase the program had to be used to send a beloved pet over the Rainbow Bridge...
But you know, when there is a will there is a way and I am back to saving again. Thank you for the chance to win your wonderful software!
Peg Thompson

I've been using the demo versions of Sketch & Draw and I'm very impressed with the results. I have tried other paint and draw from photo software using a picture of my boy when he was 1year old and have never been satisfied with the results. But wow, using the suggested setting I got some pretty good results. I think with a bit of tweaking I'll finally get the results I've been wanting. I'm pretty sure I will buy at least one product but boy it's hard to decide which one as I really liked both.
Pierre Rondeau

The first program to produce a similar effect that my father painted in the 30's and 40's. And other programs have not yet approached this wonderful effect.
Carl Berger

Love SKETCH with its ability to abstract the essence of a color photograph.
George Riling

AKVIS is #1 when it comes to creative software for artists, and for really anyone who wants to make all their projects stand out.
Keep that great software coming!
thank you
xchak gearz

What can I say except that it saves me so much time and does lots of very clever things.
Douglas Green

I have been using photoshop since version 4 (about 15-18 years, at a guess). Over the years I have used many plugins / filters but Akvis plugins have completely blown me away.
I own and use Sketch and Oil Paint on a regular basis. Both are simply excellent but Sketch is by far my favourite. The results are breath-taking. It's the best photoshop plugin I have ever seen or used.
Stu Wilde

I won the Art Suite software at a photo show, and have now been using the frames aspect quite a bit. When I first presented my "framed" pictures at our local camera club meeting, they wanted to know how I created them in photoshop. I kept the secret for one month, and then recommended your software!
John Barnett

I like AKVIS graphic software! It's AMAZING! Everything what I need in my fingertip!
Thanks so much for your AMAZING programs! I'm looking forward for something new!
Irina Serebrina

I use Airbrush, Refocus and especially Sketch as plugins in Photoshop CS5, love it! It allows me to "preview" artwork I plan on drawing, alter images to use as references for painting, etc. They are work horses for me!
I also work with them to help my students "visualize" their projects, the steps by steps required. For me it went from cool filters for Photoshop to teaching tools.
Marcel Franquelin

I've been looking for a simple-to-use frame program to add frames to photos and Akvis Artsuite fits the bill with me. There are so many choices and the frame packs are fantastic.
I do photo calendars for Christmas and have used the 20/20 design program in the past to doe faded colored borders, but I was forced to find something else because I upgraded my operating system, and I believe that the Artsuite is the best one out there.
Linda Kelm

I use Akvis Draw and Sketch in my workflow of taking photos and turning them into digital paintings. Both applications give great detail to the paintings once I remove all the white areas with an action and keep the sketch line.
Carmen Mazza

Have been using AKVIS Retoucher to restore old family photos that have severe cracks and stains. My sisters, nephews and nieces really appreciate the restored memories that they themselves remember and those that they were not aware of. Thanks AKVIS for such a wonderful product.
Robert Garcia

Just started using the Demo version of Sketch and I love it! I have been looking for quite some time for a program that not only is easy to use, but has more than 2 or 3 options. This program is awesome! I can't wait to create all of my masterpieces.
Alana Hart

Have you ever tried making a good looking flyer to get rescued animals adopted? If you have, you know how difficult it can be to create a flyer that is guaranteed to get the animals a good home because you are asking people to make a huge decision to commit a lifetime of care to a critter who is totally dependent on you.
A little more than 2 years ago, I was faced with the task of having to get 3 rescued older cats adopted together because I didn't want to separate them as they'd been living together for years. They were either going to be adopted or brought to a shelter and likely killed as most innocent animals are in most shelters. I tried to create an appealing flyer using a couple of graphics programs I thought would be helpful but it wasn't till I was turned onto several Akvis programs by a friend that I was able to actually make a flyer that was a winner. So I purchased programs like Multibrush, Chameleon, Retoucher, and Artsuite and with the help of these programs was able to get the 3 kitties a good home the same day I hung that flyer.
Please remember to get your animals spayed or neutered and if you ever need to make an adoption flyer, go to Akvis to get that job done right.
Louis Gedo

I have been looking at your software for some time and really enjoy one of your latest, Draw. It comes closer to real drawing than any I have seen.

I have been using AKVIS software programs for many years now. Among the programs, I use "Sketch", "Enhancer" and "Refocus" the most. Wonderful results and easy to use....a real pleasure!
Roger Gelfand

Sketch is the best drawing program I've found for the Mac.
William Jones

I most often have used Sketch and Coloriage. I use them for a multitude of different effects, some of which I've discovered on my own.
Coloriage especially is adaptable to so many different things, switching back and forth from Corel Photo Paint and Coloriage.
And I use Sketch in much the same way. Applying the effect, going back to paint, manipulating the image and going back to Sketch, etc.
I've tried all your programs.
You really have the best effects programs around. Easy to use stand alone, and very easy to integrate into Corel and Photoshop as a plug-in.
You make the most innovative programs, and the easiest to master!
John Madison

Akvis allowed be to restore and enhance photos of my father when he was a young boy. My father was a holocaust survivor and he hid pictures of his family and town in straw roofs. I was able to restore them and enjoy them.
Esther Dezube

I don't like it when I do not understand the names of the utilizes I am using:"posterize, mosaic, etc.
Your software is much easier for me to understand and know what I am doing with a photo. I appreciate this.
David Felten

I own several AKVIS programs and I love them. They are high quality and full of options. I like to modify my photos in an artistic way and these programs are really good for that.
Michael Morrow

I started with Sketch, because I was a frustrated wanna-be cartoonist. I idolized Kirby, Ditko, Adams, Kubert, Infantino, Smith, and all the great comic book greats, and wanted to be like them. Sketch allowed me to come as close as possible without the speed and talent necessary to put out perfect pages of penciled artwork. And with a B&W finished Sketch one had the ability to erase unwanted details or lines and simplify it even more, even to the point of a caricature if one practiced enough with it. Or you could choose to do so in color. Either way, it was a win-win situation, and if I could advise anyone on their first Akvis purchase, it would have to be Sketch. The next one would be Artwork, though they have a new one out called Oil Paint which would be just as much fun. If I had it to do all over again, I would have bought the entire package with the 60% discount. Oh Well.
John G Fedoriska

I use your software packages to enhance the family photo they provide me. We have a big family! I was very busy at Christmas. Thank you for the free upgrades!
Robert Schreiber

As a photo restorer, you're always looking for ways to be more productive. When I discovered Coloriage about 5 yrs ago, I instantly became hooked and an Akvis fan. Since then my Akvis library of software has grown and used on a daily basis. Now it's hard for me to remember how I ever got along without you! Thank you!!
Lenni Gabriele

I have used Akvis Sketch for about a year now and I love the effects I can obtain. I use this tool for my digital scrapbooking and I always get asked "how did you do that?". The Photoshop plug in is easy to use and customize-able. I have sent your link to many of my digital scrapbook colleagues.
Rachel Rerko

I have just started to use AKVIS Refocus and I have found it to be very easy to use. I use it in Photoshop Elements 12 with lots of improvement to the end image so I am going to give the software 10 out of 10 for ease of use and the end result. I would recommend this program to anyone who is into photographic retouching with or without Adobe Photoshop as it works well as a stand alone program.
Keith Winfield

Akvis software is the best in the world and Looks like a great software to have. Nice software. Its a must for everyone. The best software one can ever have. This program has all the necessary tools for all.

Often use Sketch in Photoshop layer copy of original and then use mask blending opacity and history brush to bring back parts of the original - quick and easy way for non artistic to produce work of art!
Tony Brown

Have developed a setting in Akvis "Sketch" to create a birthday coloring book for each grandchild. I alternately have a page for "My Favorite Things" during the last year. The current request from parents is two copies, one for coloring, and one for keepsake. It's great fun, and now I am getting requests from all over. I sense a small business brewing.
Thanks for the great products.
Joan Greenman

I use OilPaint all the time and love it!!!!
Thom Landers

I find Akvis Retoucher an extremely useful and easy to use plugin to give wonderful breadth of detail in any subject it works on.
Ronald Stein

I love ArtWork. I use it on many of my photographs and, having just started digital painting, I often use it as a starting point for my portraits.
Susan Gauthier

I have minimal photographic skill, but each of the five Akvis programs that I have purchased improve the 'wow' factor of what could be considered 'ordinary' photos.
Michael Hellard

I am the leader of the special technical fine arts. I had working on your program akvis sketch. it has helped me in the work of many wonderful pictures of most of my colleagues friends in the group. your program more wonderful. Also i used other programs such as akvis Draw and others. Frankly, your programs akvis respected and I love it so much because I'm a graphic designer and artist plastic. thank you for this wonderful program. Greetings
Ayman Megahed

I run a program for inner city kids in Poughkeepsie, New York. This year the kids and I designed a graphic novel about their experiences by tweaking photos using Akvis Sketch.
Patrizia DiLucchio

I wish to tell you how grateful I am for the chance you have given to an old man that always wanted to do something with the pencil or the brush but didn't have the
abilities to draw or paint.
I have a cheap photographic camera, and using Akvis Sketch has allowed me
to improve the quality of my pictures and let me feel that I had magically
acquired that skill that I yearn for such a long time.
For ten days I felt like a child with a new toy, and thought you should know about it.
Thank you very much again.
Rodolfo Fonseca
Melo - Uruguay

Love it
Hands down, AKVIS Sketch is my favorite plugin for Photoshop. It is simply amazing and has made me a better artist. Thank you.
Matthew Valero

This is a wonderful software I ever have. I love this. I feel like I am an artist.
Shinji Takeyama

Just so you know… I absolutely LOVE NatureArt. The Lightning & Clouds effects are particularly enjoyable.
Thank you for producing unique & useful tools. Being creative keeps getting more fun with each new product you release.

I agree with all of the positive comments. SKETCH and ARTWORK are great programs. But most of all, the cooperative customer support is second-to-none. I wish all companies treated their customers so well!

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how much I am enjoying the new sketch with the timeline, it really makes things nice when you are close.. and i think I have said this before but I couldn't get the look I get without Akvis so thanks for the great programs... one day I'll endorse Akvis.. actually I already tell everyone how I do it and what software I use "Sketch" brings it all together.. so again thank you.
Kenny Driscoll

Hey People,
Must take time out of my busy day to tell you as a classically trained illustrator your upgrade in "Sketch" is absolutely outstanding. Would take me hours to accomplish what this does automatically. With just a few modifications & a few corrections I can knock out many more images. Great job I absolutely couldn't survive without this now keep up the good work!

You are a great company to deal with and have very good customer service.
Roland Gagnon

I like the Magnifier, it is exactly what the photographer needs!
doc. Arnošt Katolický

I am supremely happy with your products - I bought all of them!
Stephen Mills

Long time user, and super fan of all the Applications, Each Version better than the next.
Gregory A.

I love your stuff, just wish I could afford it more!
Holly Piper-Smith

Keep up the great work!
Michael W.

I spend hours having fun for Myself & my Family.
Your programs are really, really GREAT!
Richard Renock

Read a review and tried Trial version of Sketch and I am impressed!

Thank you ALL at Akvis for this update. As a traditional portrait artist in pastel for 35 years, I've always been sceptical to software emulating art. Yours is by far the most useful in the visualisation and inspiring when stuck for composition ideas.
Keep up the good work!
Mike Essex

Not an idea....but I used Sketch for all the small graphics for most of the pages (www.***) and the results are wonderful! Great compliments!
Jerry Sullivan

I have used the clone feature in photoshop for a while now and it never seemed to do the job or gave me the results I was looking for. One day I stumbled upon your product, Retoucher and I have to say it is by far the best program for retouching I've use so far. The ease of use is great and the results are absolutely outstanding. I hope to try some of your other products/programs in the future.

There are two features that AKVIS offers not commonly found in other products:
1. Your plug-ins are compatible w/a number of third party programs - your compositors generally have very few.
2. It is difficult to use words in describing effects - you have dozens of "examples" for your products to assist a potential buyer in assessing an AKVIS program - very helpful and excellent marketing.
Charles Evans

I would like to have all AKVIS software - it's really nice to have them!
Irina Serebrina

A big thank you for all your programs. I bought the Alchemy package and have to say it is worth every penny. SmartMask in particular is outstanding. I just could not believe how easy it was to use compared to other major mask programs, nor how well it dealt with fine detail. 10 out of 10, at least!
Robert Venning

I just wanted to say these are the most fantastic software. I have Adobe CS4 but colorizing a picture was so time consuming. Your software cuts my time in half. You have me hooked.
Jean Clayman

I have tried the majority of the Akvis plug-ins to test them and I stand by my opinion, Akvis publishes the best stand-alone photographic editors
and plug-ins available anywhere on the planet.
I have used a lot of programs and plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop to repair,
restore, enhance and do clever tricks with digital art, old photos and
digital images, B&W and color but no other companies plug-ins compares to
the Akvis family of stand-alone and their plug-ins for digital photo
This is because Akvis understands the needs of the digital
artist and their family of stand-alone and their plug-ins because they
breathe life into the image and the image is everything.
Kevan R. Craft

I'm very impressed with the Retoucher. I have used it before as a demo but
only a couple of times but I'm currentlty removing dust and hairs from 50 x
3mm photographic slides and I can't believe how good Retoucher is removing that nasty dust. Amazing.
Thanks to the Akvis Retoucher v4.5 - I'm in love with this. Removing
hordes of dust from wedding dresses and skies is now so simple with
Retoucher. It is a life saver for sure. It
breathes new life into old slides and photos.
I am really happy with my purchase of Akvis Retoucher.
Kevan R. Craft

I think your software is wonderful. Your sketch program has solved the problem of getting great sketch's every time.
Larry Gerard

Please pass along to your developers my congratulations on so vastly improving an already excellent piece of software!
This is the feature I've been hoping to see in Coloriage! It makes the colorizing job so much easier and gives better results than ever! It has always taken a really discerning eye to detect anything in a Coloriage photo that gives away that the picture is colorized, but now with the color-mixing feature it will be impossible.
I can't wait to apply it to all my future colorizing and may even go back and apply it to old colorizing jobs where I have saved the strokes. Coloriage is the one program I have that has always delighted me, and my standards for it are very high.
Thank you all so much, for your support and your genius in everything you create.
Paul Holbrook

The new Coloriage works perfectly and is a brillaint piece of software!
Thank you for your attentive and helpful support it is very much appreciated.
Gary Cleal

Akvis Sketch 10.0 does what technology promises but seldom delivers. It provides a sophisticated premium quality product with an ease of use that is as intuitive as a light switch.
I’ve tried plenty of sketch plug ins of this type, but none compares to the output this offers.
This one beats the big boys hands down. Sure there are more familiar names out there, but this does what the others don’t. Quality. Speed. Ease of use. It doesn’t get any easier or any better than this.
It’s nice to come across software that does one thing and does it very very well. Akvis makes it so simple and easy to produce perfect renditions every time - 10.0 represents the best of the evolution of this wonderful product.
Chris Williams
Cincinnati, Ohio

I have tried many applications that allow photo manipulation, but this is without equal as a standalone or plug in for your favourite graphic program.
The interface is clean and simple, easy to use and the results are spectacular, this is a very addictive piece of software and will keep me occupied for hours experimenting with it.
Well done Akvis, for producing something truly wonderful.
Simon L

I love this version of Sketch. The developers have really created an exceptional program. And I do appreciate the pre-sets they included in this version.
Phil Kalina

The new Sketch is fabulous, the results are stunning! Apparently a lot of effort went into developing the latest version.
I was very surprised by the wonderful results I got using the default settings in Sketch 9.0.
Holger Gerlach (Germany)

Your search is over, you don't need anything else to accomplish what Akvis Sketch can, along with your beloved Photoshop. I found the answer with this excellent plugin.
Nothing compares to Akvis Sketch. I have tested almost every competitive product available. Akvis Sketch is by far the most accurate and detailed. I have tested it against other Photoshop plugins, Photoshop action scripts, and standalone applications. I have been using Photoshop since the day they released it, and am currently using version CS4.
If you are an Adobe Photoshop fanatic, and you want the ability to extend Photoshop into another dimension, do yourself a favor and download a trial copy of Akvis Sketch and test it out for yourself. I'll bet you end up purchasing Sketch. You will not be disappointed. It is well worth the price. Don't waste your money purchasing another program to do what Akvis Sketch can, along with every professionals favorite... Photoshop.
Paul Alan Schubert

I use Sketch an awful lot and find it simple to use and easy to achieve the results I am seeking.
The interface is really user friendly.
I'm saving for Artwork at the moment.
Mel Braithwaite

I have I think all of your plug ins and they are great timesavers.

I am an artist who generally paints in too tight a manner. This program is great for me because I can simplify my photos (convert them into oil paintings), print them and then use the results to help me learn not to focus on details quite so much.
Dale, Canada

I work here in India to create/edit photos, sketch portraits, and paint oil based landscapes. I have been using computer-based-tools from years, and tried almost all the available products. I came across Akvis-series early this year....and I liked it. It is simply a great product...and has great future.
Rohit Sharma

I wish I would have found your Sketch program sooner as I have spent many hours using PhotoShop trying to achieve the same results but did not even come close to your Sketch program which I'm more than happy with. In fact I will try all your programs offered.
Lew (USA)

Let me bring my testimony on AKVIS products, I am very pleased with all the plugins created, a huge thanks to all of you for the work you do.
Your products work well, are full of so many options and very simple to use.
You can achieve fantastic work in a short time.
Collaborators AKVIS are always available to help in difficulty or for clarification, thanks to them.
The creation of new AKVIS, ArtWork is very good and certainly will be improved with time.
Sorry for my bad English, I write from Italy.
Irene - Italy

Over the past two weeks I have downloaded and used several of the Akvis programs including Retoucher, SmartMask, Enhancer, ArtSuite, Magnifier, and Sketch.
The Magnifier program is the best I've seen. I used it a lot while I had the trial. The images can be magnified without losing detail. I tried it going double the size of the original image and it still looked perfect.
The Sketch program is amazing. It gives you the choice of black and white, color, water color, charcoal. You use the sliders to control the strength of how the image will look.
As you roll your cursor across each selection it tells you what it does and how to do it. It's easy to use and the finished image is great. I loved playing with the program.
ArtSuite makes some of the most amazing frames. It puts the perfect finishing touch to any image.
Akvis programs make editing and creating so much easier, quicker, and fun! I will be recomending Akvis programs to everyone on the photo sites I'm a member of.
Even if you are just starting out you will be surprised at how easy the Akvis programs are! Download the trials and see for youself!
Tammy Russotto

First I have to say that the Akvis programs make editing so much quicker and easier. It's even more fun.
While working on editing a portrait I needed to remove the background so I could add a solid one. I downloaded a trial of the Akvis SmartMask, opened it up, and gave it a try.
The instructions are very easy to follow. All you have to do is hold your mouse over an icon and it will tell you what it is and what it does.
It took me about 5 minutes to do what used to take me 30 minutes or more. I was even able to add the new solid background.
Thank you, Akvis!
Tammy Russotto

I recently needed to create a portrait image from a photograph. The person in the image has tattoos all around the chest area. I've tried so many times to cover the tattoos and couldn't. I downloaded a trial of Akvis Retoucher to see how it would work.
One pass over the area with Retoucher and the tattoos were gone. I was absolutely shocked at how fast and easy Akvis Retoucher made it.
You would never know the young lady in the image has a single tattoo.
Thanks, Akvis!
Tammy Russotto

I have to compliment you on your sketch program. I have a friend
who uses some expensive products to create sketches and I used yours and
I produced a much cleaner and more accurate rendition than his product
did! Akvis Sketch does an excellent job of creating accurate sketches
from the photos. They are clear, crisp, and excellent reproductions of
the photos.
Maureen Shannon

I recently downloaded the 10 day trial of Akvis Sketch. I fell in love with it and have been showing my art work to my customers and telling them how easy it is to use. Akvis makes it so easy to create professional looking work.
Richard Turner

The more I use it, the more I like it. I have tried a large amount of the Photoshop
filters, but none come close to achieving what I want as "Sketch" does. For anyone who
likes or liked to draw, I would recommend purchasing you program, as it releases one from
the bounds of Photoshop.
Thomas King

I love that plug-in and I believe it to the best of its type available to-day.

I am finding it excellent and will definitely buy it. It's doing exactly what I needed and is not complicated. So I am delighted with it.
Maureen Hendry

Thank you for this fabulous software. This is the best I have tested on my mac G3.
Nicolas Holzapfel

I can't say enough about this program...I LOVE it. Gives me just the effect I need. The free upgrades are a real plus!!!!!!!
San Antonio Tlayacarpan, Mexico

Since I discovered the HDRI form me as a possibility to make great image
even as an absolute beginner, I was looking for a tool, that could merge my
single images together to HDRI. I have tested some tools and was NOT
But with AKVIS Enhancer, I got immediately good results. I don't know much
about all the technical conditions behind, but with some clicks I had an
nice HDR-image.
I knew, that AKVIS is good, but now I am really convinced, that AKVIS is
more than this, it is superior!
Holger Gerlach

This is a fantastic plugin. It does everything that I have been trying to accomplish using Photoshop Filters.
Harry Holdsworth

I have already bought Chameleon, and Noise Buster, then I downloaded Stamp just to try it out. Wow! what a tool! Your filters are just the best, and you are very fair letting us try them for 10 days. Anybody who buys your tools will move their skill level up overnight.
Thank you for all your hard work.
Edward Mach

I don't usually give testimonials but your programs have me so excited, I
feel I must commend you. I've tried hundreds of plugins in the past and only
a few are truly innovative and useful. Yours meets both these goals plus has
an interface that is clear and easy to use. That is really an accomplishment
not many developers can claim. I especially find your Decorator program
useful and the Coloriage program is amazing fun. I look forward to what else
your programmers come up with and know they will also be 'a must have' for my
Thanks for
so many great
products. Looking forward to what you dream up next. I know it will also
be a MUST HAVE. Good luck and thanks again.
Robert Perreault USA

what wonderful program you have, Coloriage.
Have been struggling for years hand painting photos'
and seemingly the turnout was never like this.
looking forward to a great project.
Dennis Osborne

If you guys keep on creating this great photoshop
addons you're going to put me in the poor house,
just kidding. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
Gilbert Perez

Decorator is a very cool program. I have spent hours just "playing" with the different settings. I can see where this program would be very useful - for designers, decorators, people remodeling their homes, set designers for plays, and many many more useful and fun projects.
It is amazing how well it follows the pattern and layout of the original object. You can do very realistic textures or you can get very creative and make up your own set of "weird" textures. Thank you!
Jeff Sewell

All I can say is that this is the tool that I have been searching for to produce a sketch from my photos. It is outstanding and performs perfectly. It just needs a Preview function.
It produces true sketches when you play with the sliders.
Carole Blatchley

BTW, great program. Really helps liven up the family pics.
Doug Lavender

I would certainly recommend your software to anyone I know that might utilize the programs. The software is beyond belief, and the support is certainly beyond compare, which is not always the case.
The Akvis programs have already and will continue to be useful to me. Thanks to the programs, I have all of my school pictures that look as if they were made in color! I graduated from high school in 1962, and all my pictures were, of course, black and white.

You guys do a wonderful job! Keep up the good work!!!

Your sketch plug in is a gas. A buddy thinks I'm a genius. I don't think I'm going to tell him all I did was push a button.

First of all I'm not a person who has a great deal of financial resources... just a guy trying to self-learn how to be better at restoring pictures and so on... SO, the fact that I bought your whole plugin set is a big compliment to you!! I played with the trials over a weekend and found great value in them for what I like to do with pictures and such.
Thank you for good service and great products!
Craig D. KS, USA

I'm love this great website. Many thanks guys.

I have been using no less than 4 other pieces of software for sketching. I can tell you sincerely that none of them will touch Sketch 1.1. It is the best by far.
Chris Dowling

First of all let me tell you that your software is about the best I
have seen in years. Your noise reduction software is better than
anything that I have used. Rather than mention the names of other
companies, and I have tried them all, yours is the best. I am
beginning to recommend it to my fellow ASC cinematographers that are
also photoshop users. Where have you been all of these years?
Francis Kenny, ASC

Hi! When I installed the demo and recolored a photo I said wow! That's the plugin!
I've always wondered why developers don't try to match the gray scale of a black and white photo with the color scale? If the grayscale levels could be matched to the color scale the problem could be solved. I think you've done something like this!
Thanks for this
***** 5 star plugin!
Also Retoucher is very very good and a time saving plugin!
I give
***** 5 stars to AKVIS TEAM!
Mesut KAYA
somewhere in TURKEY

Hello. I liked your site very much. Great design and content!

I very much enjoy using the Akvis plug-ins, which I believe to be the best in
the market - very easy to use and yielding superb results. Everyone who deals
with digital images should use these products!
Les Tomkinson

I tried your product Retoucher and Coloriage and am very impressed.
What an outstanding job you have done in creating such an ease of
restoration of old photos. It's truly amazing. Thank you very much.
Gregg Stebbins

Thanks for giving us digital photographers yet another option in improving the quality of our work.
Mickey Poche

The greatest software of this kind - Pure Magic !!!
I have a lot of old B&W pictures taken with my first 35-mm camera back
in the sixties that I like to colorize, because the pictures seem to come alive.
I used to colorize in Photoshop Elements using several layers (one for each color)
and it worked fine, but it took a lot of time and was tiresome to paint the colors
inside the different areas of the photo. It could take hours to colorize a picture.
That is - until I tried AKVIS Coloriage. The program (plugin) is so smart that you
only have to mark inside an area (i.e. face or clothes) the color you want, and
in some mysterious way AKVIS Coloriage manages to find the areas and fill
them with the specified color exact to the area-border. It's like PURE MAGIC,
and colorizing a whole picture only takes a few minutes with a little practice.
Hakan Elfving

I thank you sincerely for creating the Retoucher plug-in.
It has been an enormous help to us in restoring the quality of damaged photos that has historic
Whoever devised it in its current form is a genius and deserves public acknowledgement. It was conceived
with the dictum in mind, "simplify, don't complicate," and that in itself is a wonderful achievement.
If only other software creators might emulate this rule. All too frequently, the opposite applies, then they
can sell tutorial books on how to do this and how to do that, etc.
I salute both the creators of Chameleon and Retoucher and I willingly and wholeheartedly endorse both
products without reservation.
Bryan Clark
Centralian Media Services, Australia

I am the owner-creator-manager of a web site called "Voices Of The Outback"
(www.outbackvoices.com) which has an international readership. It is
designed for Australian outback writers, poets, photographers, cartoonists,
historians, journalists, etc. in a magazine format.
I have used your Chameleon software (on trial) to achieve various effects
and I must say I am much impressed with its capabilities and possibilities.
Apart from doing montage/collage work, I would also like in future to
restore and colour old historic photographs for display on the web site and
to have them preserved for the archives of Heritage Alice Springs and our
Community Public Library.
Bryan Clark
Centralian Media Services, Australia

This software is simply Amazing. I just tried the free trial of Stamp and IT WAS SIMPLE AMAZING. So
easy to use and install, so many features. Fixing up image imperfections is easy to do and very quick
with this software. I am rushing out to buy the full version to use it for my design business and I will recommend it to everyone. Great product.
Kelly Sigethy

I have been playing around with the software on the 10 day free trial and I was so
incredibly pleased with the results that I decided to buy 'em all BEFORE the trial ended.
Kudos to your design team...these plugins are better than anything I have in Photoshop!
Evan Sadowski, USA

I was STUNNED, SHOCKED and BOWLED OVER by what your software allowed me to achieve. In just one hour I was able to do what would have taken me 4, 5 or more hours manually using Photoshop standard tools.
John Bloor

Akvis is one of those companies that wants you to know what you are buying and how to use it.
Club Mac of Hampton

I just wanted to let you know that I'm having a lot of fun playing with
Chameleon. It's a wonderful plugin :-)
Thanks for making it!

I just tried your 10 day free trial of Retoucher. Totally blew me away!! One of the best software programs I have ever seen. Just ordered the full business version. I'm sold, your guys are incredible!!!
Video Today

Just tried the free download of Chameleon and it great! I was able to Create some really
great artwork from this. Just wanted to let you know how easy it was to use. Great work!
Cross 4

I spoke of your plugin in the thread at the forums for our online school, Pixelcorps (PXC). This school is for learning multimedia. We often have Photoshop challenges
and your plugin was quite helpful in this Restoration challenge. On
top of that, it provided me with the thought that I might add Photo
Restoration to the list of skills that I can offer clients as I enjoy
this type of detail work.
Cris Palomino

I have applied the Enhancer already on some illustrations I am doing for a
Handbook of Fracture that I am helping in illustrating for the authors and
the publisher McGraw-Hill. The Enhancer was very useful.
I also used it on images of some color photographs which I was unable to
improve. The Enhancer again was very useful.
Arsen Pankovich,
Clinical Professor of Orthopedic Surgery,
New York University Medical Center

I'm amazed at how Enhancer brings out the detail and clarity in photos that are under or overexposed and even those where smog is present.
Catherine Schulthies

I have really enjoyed the demonstrations of Chameleon's features! This is a beautiful tool.
Martia DuLac, CMT

I just love your new filter Enhancer! I can say at once that your filter is the best one I have tried. Gives many possibilities to adjust the image just as I want.

I have downloaded the trial version of the Stamp tool. I have to say that I am
impressed! The tool was easy to use and for being simple, it gives powerful results!
Marshall Heartley

I had very good use of the Stamp filter today. A friend of mine had made a series of photos of her dogs, but forgot to remove the tick collar, so I helped her with that.
It is a terrific plugin!!! How well it reproduces the fur!!

I just got informed of your Retoucher in a newsletter I get. Downloaded the demo and fooled with it for about 30 minutes. I Like It!
It works much better than the healing and scratch and dent removers in Adobe, Corel, Jasc, etc.....Even if I have to clone a little in the end stages of a demanding restoration, your product does an excellent job of reducing my workload.
I'm sure I'll be even more pleased after I work with it a little more.
I'm looking forward to spending a little more time with it. I probably don't have much use for Chameleon, but I'll download it and look at it anyway - because, one never knows...

Amazing plug-in! It will save HOURS and HOURS of tedious restoration. I can't wait to get the "healing" stamp plug-in when it's available!

With the Retoucher, what used to take me hours to complete I can now do in minutes and still have professional looking results.
I use to hate doing restoration of old pictures but now I enjoy doing it - and so does my director and customers.
Yvonne Sanders

I downloaded your plugin. The results are great! Clone stamp tool is no rival.

An amazing product!
Everything is so quick and easy! Even though I'm not experienced in graphics I got perfect results.
Thank you!

I found that the tool was very useful in many cases.
Scratches and letters I don't want to see
in the final stage of working with a raster image have been removed quickly and easily -
without thinking and exhausting stamping.
The only thing you should do is to press the "Go"
button and wait for a moment. It does work!
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