Spray Frame

The Spray Frame creates a paint spray effect at the image borders. The width, the color and the spray density can be set in the Settings Panel.

Spray Frame

The Settings Panel offers the following parameters for this picture frame.


Frame Color. This parameter sets the color of the frame. Select a color by double-clicking the color plate and choosing a color from the Select Color dialog.

Yellow color is set
Yellow color is set


Transparent. When the check-box Transparent is enabled, the image under the frame becomes transparent. One may need it on an image with several layers; in this way, the image on the lower layer(s) is visible and serves as a frame.

Check-box Transparent enabled
Check-box Transparent enabled


Frame Width (0-100%). This parameter sets the width of the frame. At 0% there is no frame, at 100% the width of the frame makes a quarter of the minimum image size (as to its width or height). For example, for an image 600 x 800 pixels the 100% width of the frame is calculated as follows: 1/4 from the minimum size (600 px) is 150 pixels.

Frame Width = 30%
Frame Width = 30%
Frame Width = 100%
Frame Width = 100%


Density (0-200). This parameter sets the spraying density. The higher the value of the parameter, the denser the spraying is. The spraying starts on the borders, therefore the density on the outer border is higher than on the inner one.

Density = 40
Density = 40
Density = 120
Density = 120


Random Seed (0-9999). This is the starting number for the random number generator that defines the distribution of particles at the inner border of the frame. Every number corresponds to a particular particles distribution (provided all other parameters stay the same).

Random seed Random seed Random seed


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