Old photographs pass down memories generation to generation. Looking at them is like time machine making us feel nostalgic. Using AKVIS Coloriage AI, you can easily add color to your memories!
Note: The example was made in an old version of the program. From version 15.0, this method is available in the Classic mode.
Follow these steps:
Load the image using the button.
You can select the colors using 3 tabs at the bottom (Color, Swatches, Multicolor) or using the Color Library. Choose muted colors as they look more natural.
The last used colors are shown in the Color History.
The accuracy of the result depends on the accuracy of the strokes. Draw an outline within all objects; try not to cross the boundaries. If needed, adjust the size of the Pencil by right-clicking the image. Hold Shift to keep the lines straight.
To be on the safe side, we recommend you to save the strokes to a special .strokes file by clicking on . Thereby, you'll be able to continue editing at any time.
Pay special attention to the skin colorizing. It is very important to choose the right shade. You can choose a suitable color in the Color Library (People -> Skin category).
For more natural result, choose different shades for the overall skin tone, cheeks, lips, eyebrow, and eyes. When marking the eyes, don't miss the white of the eye.