
AKVIS Watercolor lets you transform a photograph into a watercolor painting. The software can be used independently as a standalone program or in a photo editor as a plugin filter.

The workspace is arranged according to the chosen interface mode: Parameters or Presets.

In the Parameters mode, the standard program window is visible.

Workspace of AKVIS Watercolor
AKVIS Watercolor Workspace (Parameters)

Click Presets in the top panel to switch to the presets visual display mode (Presets Gallery).

Workspace of AKVIS Watercolor (Presets)
AKVIS Watercolor Workspace (Presets)

The left part of the AKVIS Watercolor workspace is taken by the Image Window with two tabs: Before and After. Under the Before tab, you can see the original photo. The After tab shows the resulting image. You can switch between the windows by left-clicking on the tab with the mouse button. To compare the original and the resulting images, click in the image and hold the button pressed - the program will currently switch between tabs.


In the upper part of the program's window you can see the Control Panel with these buttons:


To the left of the Image Window there is the Toolbar. Different tools appear on the Before/After tabs.

Pre-Processing Tools (in the Before tab):

Post-Processing Tools (in the After tab, for Home Deluxe and Business licenses):

Additional Tools:


Navigate and scale the image using the Navigator. The frame in the Navigator surrounds the area of the image which is visible in the main window; the area outside of the frame will be shaded. The frame can be dragged, thereby changing the visible portion of the image. To move the frame, place the cursor within it, left-click, and drag.


To scroll the image in the window you can press the spacebar on the keyboard and drag the image with the left mouse button. Use the scroll wheel of the mouse to move the image up/down, by keeping the Ctrl key pressed – to the left/to the right, by keeping the Alt key pressed − scale the image. Right-click the scroll bar to activate the quick navigation menu.

Use the slider to scale the image in the main window. When you move the slider to the right, the image scale increases. When you move the slider to the left, the image scale reduces.

You can also change the image scale by entering a new coefficient into the scale field. The fall-down menu shows some frequently used coefficients.

You can use hot-keys to change the image scale + and Ctrl++ on Windows, ++ on Mac to increase the image scale and - and Ctrl+- on Windows, +- on Mac to reduce the scale.


Under the Navigator, there is the Settings Panel where you can choose the painting style (Classic Watercolor or Contour Watercolor) and its Presets, as well as tweak the parameters in the tabs:

Under the settings, you can see Hints for the parameters and buttons when you hover over them with the cursor. You can choose where the hints will be shown or hide them in the program's Preferences.


Watercolor v. 8.0 - Free 10-day Trial    Download