Learn how to make a striking watercolor poster with the AKVIS artistic effects.
Transform the different layers of the photo into a colorful watercolor picture (AKVIS Watercolor) and a pencil drawing (AKVIS Sketch). Then combine the effects using a photo editor. We used AliveColors.
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To reproduce the effect, follow the instructions:
Step 1. Duplicate the background layer three times. Rename the layers according to the names of the effects.
We will use two AKVIS filters: AKVIS Watercolor and AKVIS Sketch. Let's give these names to the layers: "Watercolor", "Watercolor2", and "Sketch". Hide the top two layers.
Step 2. Choose the "Watercolor" layer and call the AKVIS Watercolor plugin: Effects -> AKVIS -> Watercolor.
Select a preset. We use AKVIS Iceberg.
Adjust the settings using the preview window. Go to the Decoration tab and disable the Canvas check-box.
Click Run to convert the photo into a watercolor painting. Apply the changes
Step 3. Reapply the Watercolor filter to the same layer to make the painting more expressive.
Use the Stoke Direction tool to specify the direction of brush strokes.
Process the image and apply the changes
Step 4. Turn the "Watercolor2" layer on.
Call the AKVIS Watercolor plugin.
Set the direction of brush strokes slightly different from the previous layer.
Select another preset. We use AKVIS Serenity.
Go to the Decoration -> Frame tab to change the vignette color to black.
Process the entire image and apply the changes
Step 5. In the image editor, you can choose the Blend Mode for this layer. For example, Overlay.
Step 6. Turn the "Sketch" layer on. Call the AKVIS Sketch plugin: Effects -> AKVIS -> Sketch.
Select the Maestro style. It automatically creates life-like pencil drawings.
Adjust the settings to make the object edges more prominent and reduce the background hatching.
Process the image and apply the changes
Step 7. Change the Blend Mode for the "Sketch" layer to Multiply.
Step 8. Let's look at the result again. Try to change the blend mode for the "Watercolor2" layer to Soft Light.
You can experiment with different blending modes to see how they change the appearance of the image.
Thanks to the combination of effects, we got the expressive pencil drawing with watercolor washes.