Tutorial: AKVIS Inspire AI
Stylize Videos Using Batch Processing
Batch processing makes it possible to convert multiple images with the same settings. If you are a fan of the AKVIS Inspire AI program, then instead of one picture you can process a sequence of frames, combine them, and get an exclusive video effect.
- Step 1. Split your video into frames. To do this, you will need a video editor (for example, Adobe After Effects). Follow the instructions:
- Open the video in the video editor (Import -> File) and create a composition (New Comp from Selection).
- Select in the menu Composition -> Add to Render Queue.
- Double-click the Output Module element to show the output module settings.
- Set the saving format JPEG Sequence. Here you can reduce the frame size to 25% of the original in order to later work with small videos (960*540). Click OK.
- In Output To specify the name of the destination folder, where the frames will be saved (for example, "C0018-orig-small"), and the file names.
- Click Render.
Video to Images Conversion
Alternatively, you can use any video to image sequence converter. There are many tools and online services.
- Step 2. Run AKVIS Inspire AI, open any file from the "C0018-orig-small" folder and adjust the settings.
In the top panel, click
to open the Batch Processing options.
First of all, we will select a style in the batch mode.
Check the desired styles (you can select all) and start processing only for one image, choosing it as a Source File. Save the results to the "C0018-styles" folder.
The styles do not always fit well with the image. This method allows you to compare different styles and choose the one you like (for example, we choose Portrait-35).
Style Comparison
- Step 3. Open the batch options again
. This time we will process all images using the style selected in Step 2.
Specify the folders paths. Choose the style that will be used as a reference.
Click the Start button. The program will process one frame after another from the "C0018-orig-small" folder and save each result to the "C0018-result-inspire" folder.
- Step 4. Now all that remains is to combine images into a video. How to do this in Adobe After Effects:
- Import a folder with images into the video editor (you can simply drag it into the project window).
- Create a composition.
- Apply the Posterize Time filter (value 8-12 frames) from the Effects & Presets panel so that there is no flickering in the video.
- Select in the menu Composition -> Add to Render Queue and start rendering. By default, the video will be saved in QuickTime (.mov) format.
Let's watch the final video and admire the result!
Inspire AI v. 2.1 - Free 10-day Trial