AKVIS Inspire AI stylizes images using various samples of painting, copying the color scheme and style of a sample.
Effect Parameters:
Magnify & Smooth. The check-box activates the upscaling method that provides additional smoothing and enhancement of the image quality. If you want to emphasize texture and keep some grain for creating high-detail paintings, you can disable this option.
Proportional Preprocessing. Preliminary processing of the original and style images. If the check-box is enabled, the neural network uses both images keeping their aspect ratio. If the check-box is disabled, the images are compressed into a square during the processing.
Image Size. The working size of the original image that affects detail. The smaller image gives a rougher result. Higher values improve detail if the actual size of the image is large.
Sample Size. The working size of the style sample used by the neural network.
Hint: First of all, the ratio of working sizes matters. The larger the Sample Size than the Image Size, the more the style will be pronounced. Usually the best result is achieved when the working image size is twice the size of the sample.
Attention! As soon as one of the working sizes (Image Size or Sample Size) exceeds the Use CPU value in the Preferences, calculation will switch from GPU to CPU and will slow down.
Image Blur. Preliminary smoothing of the original image. Reduces detail and noise.
Sample Blur. Preliminary smoothing of a style image.
Iterations. Number of processing iterations. For weakly expressed styles, we recommend to use 2-3 iterations to enforce the effect.