We all know how beautiful seascapes are! The azure blue of the waves crashing on the shoreline, the gold of the sand dunes, and the radiant white of sailboats have inspired artists for centuries. The seascape paintings or “marines” as they are known in the art world depict scenes of the sea and the surrounding coastline. They may be soft and dreamy or dramatic and impetuous, depending on the message the artist wants to convey.
Using AKVIS Inspire AI you can create wonderful seascape paintings out of photos. Just choose the suitable style reference and the program will create a work of art worthy to hang on the wall or gift to a friend.
Follow the steps to create your own artwork.
Often the use of an image that is similar in subject matter has a positive effect on the final result. Since we want to stylize the seascape, we choose a similar painting as a reference.
To make the style more pronounced, reduce the size of the image and increase the size of the style sample.