AKVIS Birthday 2024

June 5, 2024. - Today we are summing up the results of the prize draw and creative competition!

AKVIS Birthday 2024
AKVIS Birthday Raffle

We are excited to announce the results of the AKVIS Birthday Raffle 2024.

20 Lucky Winners:

The main prize is the AKVIS Alchemy bundle (26 programs, Business licenses, worth $1207).

The other 19 lucky winners can choose any AKVIS program (Business/Pro) for image or video processing.

We will contact the winners by email. Check your inbox!


Thanks to all participants and don't forget to use your 30% discount coupon for AKVIS products till June 10, 2024 inclusive!


Creative Contest: The Best Greeting Card for AKVIS

We received a lot of wonderful, inspiring entries! Thank you for your warm words and for using the AKVIS programs!

You can see all cards sent to the Contest at the album on Facebook:

Creative Contest for the 20th Anniversary of AKVIS

The winner is José E. Alpedrinha! He applied AKVIS Sketch to create the greeting card.

The winner can choose any AKVIS program as a prize.

The other participants get a 50% Off coupon for AKVIS software.

Greeting Card for AKVIS
Author: José E. Alpedrinha
Used AKVIS Sketch


If you have any questions, please contact us at info@akvis.com.