Pencil Drawing Effect Presets in Adobe After Effects

User Presets

You can save your favorite settings of AKVIS Sketch Video as a preset.

Select the desired effect in the panel, call Animation -> Save Animation Preset… and choose a name and a destination folder. New user effects will appear in the Effects & Presets panel under *Animation Preset -> User presets.

User Presets in After Effects


AKVIS Presets

A number of the ready to use AKVIS presets comes with the plugin. After the installation of the Windows-version they appear in the Effects list.

Find the AKVIS presets in Effects & Presets -> *Animation Preset -> Presets -> Sketch Video Classic/Artistic/Esquisse.

Import AKVIS Presets


You can import the AKVIS presets manually.

  1. Copy 4K, HD, SD folders with the .ffx files into the Presets folder:

    Windows: from C:\Program Files\AKVIS\Sketch Video\After Effects Presets\Classic (Artistic, Esquisse)
    in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2020\Support Files\Presets\Classic (Artistic, Esquisse);

    Mac: from the dmg file
    in Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2020/Presets/Classic (Artistic, Esquisse).

    Import Presets on Mac

    Import Presets
  2. Choose Refresh List to reload the list of the effects in the editor.

    Refresh List
  3. Find the AKVIS presets in Effects & Presets -> *Animation Preset -> Presets -> Classic/Artistic/Esquisse.


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