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AKVIS News 2007

December 21, 2007
AKVIS Enhancer V.8.0: Improved HDR algorithm
The new version of the image enhancement software is released!
New to version 8.0 of AKVIS Enhancer is an advanced algorithm of creation of HDR images. We have improved image processing speed and image alignment, and have extended possible color range for tone-mapping and post processing.
The new version offers three ready-to-use built-in presets for HDR-mode which help you to achieve different effects: AKVIS Natural (the resulting image looks natural and close to reality), AKVIS Expressive (the resulting image is bright, contrasting and impressive) and AKVIS Default (it is the golden mean between a natural image and an artistic effect that one usually wants to obtain when creating an HDR-image).
Also, by popular demand, the button "Run" has disappeared, now the program starts the image processing automatically, right after adjusting the settings, as it did in the older versions.
German language has been added to the stand-alone edition (HDR program).
We offer you to use the program 10 days for free! Download Enhancer v. 8.0 for Windows and Mac.
Registered users can upgrade Enhancer to the new version for Free!

December 13, 2007
AKVIS Frame Suite v.2.6: Christmas Decorations
AKVIS Frame Suite has been updated to version 2.6. With this program you have a variety of edge effects that allow generating an endless number of photo frames.
For the upcoming holidays, the texture library of AKVIS Frame Suite has been enriched with patterns for decoration of Christmas postcards.
Also in this version we have added a new interface language - French. The version 2.6 is compatible with Photoshop Elements v.6 on Windows. The program works on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
Download Frame Suite now in Windows or in Mac version and test the program for 10 days free of charge.
The program is available in two versions - as a standalone application and as a plug-in to a photo editor. The download contains both versions plus help files.
Ugrade for registered users is free.

November 30, 2007
Noise Buster v.5.0: Noise Suppression Software. New Algorithm!
We are glad to announce the release of a new version of AKVIS Noise Buster. The software reduces noise on digital images without spoiling other aspects of the photo.
New to version 5.0:
- Improved algorithm for noise suppression. The efficient algorithm allows suppressing visible noise without blurring the edges of an object.
- Standalone edition of the program made available.
- Added a histogram displaying the noise level and noise components of the loaded image.
- The button "Auto Filtering" has been moved to the Presets list.
- Added ICC-profile support.
- Added support of Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
- Added compatibility with Photoshop Elements 6.0.
Registered users can upgrade the plugin for free! Download AKVIS Noise Buster and install it.
Please note that the customers having a Home License to Noise Buster plugin can update only their plug-in for free (or upgrade to Deluxe license). The customers having Business License - can use both (plug-in and standalone). Read more about license types and upgrade opportunities.
Download the program and use it 10 days free of charge! The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now can try Noise Buster again with its new features.
Attention Mac-Users: If you have a previous version of the Noise Buster plugin installed, you'll have to remove it from the Plugins folder before installing the new version.

November 16, 2007
AKVIS LightShop v.2.0: Add Light Effects to Your Photos!
We have upgraded LightShop, software for creation of amazing light effects, to version 2.0:
New to version 2.0:
- The new version is available as a stand-alone application and as a Photoshop plug-in.
- LightShop is now a Universal Binary application. It runs on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Mac computers.
- Added compatibility with Photoshop Elements v.6.0.
- Added compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
- Added new interface languages: French.
Read new tutorials for LightShop: Rooster Constellation and Fantastic Cocktail.
Upgrade for registered users is Free! Please note that the customers having a Home License to LightShop plugin can update only their plug-in for free (or upgrade to Deluxe license). The customers having Business License - can use both (plug-in and standalone). Read more about license types and upgrade opportunities.
The users who tried the previous version of the software and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to test the software again.

October 29, 2007
Sketch v.6.0: Photo-to-Sketch Conversion. New Effect!
Version 6.0 of AKVIS Sketch offers a new effect! Now you can not only convert a photo to a drawing or a watercolor painting, but also give it an artistic touch by adding a canvas, or any other textured surface (corrugated paper, brick wall, metallic or ceramic coating).
New to version 6.0:
- Added the possibility to imitate a drawing on a canvas or any other uneven surface. You can use the built-in textures or use your own ones.
- Added a new tab - "Canvas" - with the settings for the new effect.
- Added a Texture Library with texture samples.
- Added compatibility with Photoshop Elements v.6.0.
- Added compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
Download AKVIS Sketch for Windows or Mac. The program is available as a stand-alone application and as a Photoshop plug-in.
Upgrade for registered users is Free (more).
The users who tried the previous version of the software and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to test the software again.
Attention Mac-Users: If you have a previous version of Sketch installed, you'll have to remove the "AKVIS Sketch" folder in the Plugins folder before installing the new version.
Besides, we are pleased to announce a Christmas Graphic Contest! Please consult the Christmas Contest page to learn about the terms and the prizes.

October 8, 2007
Chameleon v.5.0: Photo Montage Creation
We are glad to announce the update of AKVIS Chameleon to version 5.0. This version offers more opportunities for creation of photo collages. Now the program has three modes: Montage, Chameleon and Blend.
The advantage of the program is that one does not need to make precise selections to create a realistic montage. Look at the tutorial on how one combines two images in Montage mode.
In Chameleon mode (earlier called Standard) the program adjusts the pasted fragment to the target image color range and smoothes the fragment's borders. It looks similar to the way a chameleon adapts to the environment.
In Blend mode (earlier called Snapshot mode) the program does not only smoothes the borders of the pasted fragment and adjusts its color range, but it also makes the object semi-transparent, so that the texture of the background can be seen through.
Besides, new to version 5.0:
- Now the program has an interface (earlier Chameleon was applied as a filter). The plug-in window allows adjusting settings for each collage mode and moving/tranforming the pasted fragment. It is posible to save a fragment and use it for other photo collages.
- Now the way the plug-in works is the same in all photo editors. Consult the list of compatible photo editors.
- Chameleon is now Universal Binary. It runs on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Mac computers.
- Compatibility with Photoshop CS3 on Intel Mac. Please note that the support of CMYK Color Mode is temporarily disabled.
Download Chameleon now in Windows or in Mac version and test the program for 10 days free of charge.
This time we charge a fee for the upgrade to version 5.0 for every license type (from 15 US dollars for Home license to 60 US dollars for Business license). But the users who bought the program last month can upgrade for free. Read more on the buy page.

September 14, 2007
AKVIS Frame Suite v.2.5: Photo Frames for All Occasions.
We are glad to announce the update of AKVIS Frame Suite to version 2.5. With this program you have a variety of edge effects that allow generating an endless number of photo frames.
Version 2.5 of AKVIS Frame Suite offers one more effect. The new Texture effect allows applying a texture (chosen from the built-in Texture Library or one created by the user) to an image so that the image looks like drawn on a canvas, brick wall, corrugated paper, etc.
Besides, new to version 2.5:
- Added new patterns into the Texture Library (for the Classic frame, for the new Texture effect, etc).
- Fixed bug in the Mac version.
Download Frame Suite now in Windows or in Mac version and test the program for 10 days free of charge.
The program is available in two versions - as a standalone application and as a plug-in to a photo editor. The download contains both versions plus help files.
Registered users can upgrade to version 2.5 for free.

September 7, 2007
Coloriage v.5.0 Add Color to B&W Photos. Now in Standalone Version.
AKVIS Coloriage has been updated to version 5.0. The program manipulates colors of an image: from colorizing black and white photos to replacing colors in color photos.
The new version is available as a stand-alone application and as a Photoshop plug-in.
Registered users can upgrade to version 5.0 for free. Please note that the customers having a Home License to Coloriage plugin can update only their plug-in for free (or upgrade to Deluxe license). The customers having Business License - can use both (plug-in and standalone). Read more about license types and upgrade opportunities.
Download Coloriage for Mac or Windows and test it for 10 days free of charge.
Attention Mac-Users: If you have a previous version of Coloriage installed, you'll have to remove the "AKVIS Coloriage" folder in the Plugins folder before installing the new version.

August 14, 2007
AKVIS Enhancer V.7.0: Improving Detail on Photos. Now with HDRI Support!
AKVIS Enhancer has been updated to version 7.0. The software allows improving detail in underexposed, overexposed, and mid tone areas of a photo.
New to version 7.0:
- The new version is available as a stand-alone application and as a Photoshop plug-in.
- The stand-alone application supports the HDRI technology that allows expanding the dynamic range of an image. Read more about this outstanding technique.
- Added the possibility to change the image preview mode.
- Added full size window for the plugin.
- Improved color profiles handling.
Download Enhancer now in Windows or in Mac version.
All users have an opportunity to test the software again.
Please note that the customers having Home License for Enhancer plugin can update their plugin for free. To be able to use the stand-alone version with HDRI technology, the Home users can upgrade to Deluxe license, the Business users to new Business license.
Do not worry if after the program installation you see that you have a trial version.
After the expiration of the trial period, the registered Home users will just need to re-register their plugin with the same key. Those who choose to upgrade should enter their new license key.
The users of Business license can return to Enhancer 6.0. and activate it with the same key.

August 6, 2007
Sketch v.5.5: Photo-to-Sketch Conversion. Now with a New Effect.
Version 5.5 of AKVIS Sketch offers new possibilities. The software converts photos to pencil and watercolor drawings.
The check-box "Color Strokes" introduced in version 5.5 allows converting a photo to sketch in such a way that it looks like drawn by color pencils. In contrast to the Coloration effect that just adds colors from the original image, the new option allows imitating hand made color strokes. Note that it is only possible if the original image is a color image.
Now the program is available in two versions - as a standalone application and as a plug-in to a photo editor.
Besides, in version 5.5 color profiles handling has been improved.
Download AKVIS Sketch for Windows or Mac now.
Upgrade for registered users is Free (more). Please note that the customers having a Home License for Sketch plugin can update only their plug-in for free (or upgrade to Deluxe license). The customers having Business License - can use both (plug-in and standalone). Read more about license types.
The users who tried the previous version of the software and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to test the software again.
Attention Mac-Users: If you have a previous version of Sketch installed, you'll have to remove the "AKVIS Sketch" folder in the Plugins folder before installing the new version.

July 24, 2007
AKVIS Frame Suite v.2.0: Photo Frames for All Occasions.
We are glad to announce the update of AKVIS Frame Suite to version 2.0. With this program you have a great variety of photo frames to choose from as well as an opportunity to generate a unique frame out of your own picture.
Version 2.0 of AKVIS Frame Suite offers two more edge effects for photo frame creation - Frost and Artistic Crop.
The new Frost effect generates frost crystals around an image, imitating the frost patterns one sees on a window pane in winter.
The new Artistic Crop effect accentuates a certain part of an image by blurring the rest of it. The focus of attention is shifted to this part and the photograph is seen in a new light.
Besides, new to version 2.0:
- Added support of tiff format to the standalone version.
- The Mac version is now Universal Binary, it works equally well on both PPC- and Intel-Mac.
- Added compatibility with Photoshop CS3 on Intel Mac.
- New interface and help languages have been added (English, German, Russian, and Japanese).
- Improved color profiles handling.
Download Frame Suite now in Windows or in Mac version and test the program for 10 days free of charge.
The program is available in two versions - as a standalone application and as a plug-in to a photo editor. The download contains both versions plus help files.
Registered users can upgrade to version 2.0 for free.

July 9, 2007
Retoucher v.2.9: Retouch Damaged Photos
AKVIS Retoucher has been updated to version 2.9. The plug-in allows restoring damages photos by removing dust, scratches, stains and by reconstructing the lacking parts of a photo.
The macintosh version is now Universal Binary, it works equally well on both PPC- and Intel-Mac. Added compatibility with Photoshop CS3 on Intel Mac.
Registered users can upgrade to version 2.9 for free. Just download the software and install it.
The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to download the software and test it for 10 days free of charge.

June 21, 2007
Coloriage v.4.5: Add Color to B&W Photos
AKVIS Coloriage has been updated to version 4.5. The plug-in manipulates colors of an image: from colorizing black and white photos to replacing colors in color photos. The program is now Universal Binary, it works equally well on both PPC- and Intel-Mac. Added compatibility with Photoshop CS3 on Intel Mac.
Registered users can upgrade to version 4.5 for free. Just download the software and install it.
The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to download the software and test it for 10 days free of charge.

June 11, 2007
Noise Buster v.4.0: noise suppression software
We are glad to announce the release of a new version of AKVIS Noise Buster plug-in. The software reduces noise on digital images without spoiling other aspects of the photo.
We have added the possibility to save user settings - presets. Also, in version 4.0:
Windows: Noise Buster has become compatible with Windows Vista.
Mac: The program is now a Universal Binary! It works equally fast on both PPC- and Intel-Macs (without the Rosetta emulator).
The installation under Mac has been changed: to install the plugin on a mac-computer just drag the folder "AKVIS Noise Buster" into the "PlugIns" folder of a photo editor.
Registered users can upgrade the program for free! Download AKVIS Noise Buster and install it:
Win-users can install Noise Buster v.4.0 over the old version.
Mac-users should remove the previous version of the plug-in from "Library|Application Support" and from "PlugIns" before installing the new version, and then register the program again.
Download the program and use it 10 days free of charge! The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now can try Noise Buster again with its new features.

May 18, 2007
Sketch v.4.0: Higher Speed. Universal Binary Application.
We have released a new version of AKVIS Sketch plugin. The software converts photos to pencil and watercolor drawings.
We are glad to inform you that AKVIS Sketch was awarded "Best Image Editing Software 2006" by "DT&G Magazine".
New to version 4.0:
- Image processing speed increased almost by 40%.
- Compatibility with Photoshop CS3 on Intel Mac.
Download AKVIS Sketch now in Windows or in Mac version.
Mac: AKVIS Sketch is now a Universal Binary Application. It runs on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Mac computers.
The program does not have an installer for Mac. You should just move the "AKVIS Sketch" folder into the Plug-ins folder of your photo editor.
Upgrade for registered users is Free (more).
The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to test the software again.

May 11, 2007
AKVIS Enhancer V.6.0: Improving Detail on Photos with Uneven Exposure
AKVIS Enhancer plug-in has been updated to version 6.0. The software allows improving detail in underexposed, overexposed, and mid tone areas of a photo. By popular request, the possibility to save user presets has been added.
New to version 6.0:
- Added option to save/edit user settings - presets.
- Compatibility with Photoshop CS3 on Intel Mac.
- Fixed memory bug that caused program crash on some images on Mac.
- Compatibility with Windows Vista.
- Added new interface language - Italian.
- Updated program documentation (Help).
Download Enhancer now in Windows or in Mac version.
Mac: AKVIS Enhancer is now a Universal Binary Application. It runs on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Mac computers.
The program does not have an installer for Mac. You should just move the "AKVIS Enhancer" folder into the Plug-ins folder of your photo editor.
Upgrade for registered users is Free (more).
The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to test the software again.

April 19, 2007
AKVIS Frame Suite v.1.0: Photo Frames for All Occasions.
We are glad to announce the release of new photo frame software for decoration of digital photos - AKVIS Frame Suite.
A photo frame gives an image the final touch, makes it look complete and of artistic value. With this program you have a variety of frame types to choose from as well as an opportunity to generate a unique frame out of your own picture.
Download Frame Suite now in Windows or in Mac version and test the program for 10 days free of charge.
The program is available in two versions - as a standalone application and as a plug-in to a photo editor. The download contains both versions plus help files.
Attention! Those our registered users who have bought at least one AKVIS plug-in get a 20% discount on AKVIS Frame Suite. The customers who have purchased all AKVIS plug-ins get a 50% discount on the new program! Please write to us to get the discount. The offer is valid till May 31, 2007.
Note, that the Alchemy Bundle has become yet more payable. Now it costs $325 and includes all 10 AKVIS plug-ins (a saving of $387 against buying each plug-in separately).

April 6, 2007
Chameleon and Coloriage plugins updated
We have updated two plug-ins: AKVIS Chameleon to version 4.4 and AKVIS Coloriage to version 4.1.
New to versions: bugs fixed, compatibility with Windows Vista, new installation method on Mac.
Upgrade for registered users is free.
Download the plug-ins for Windows or for Mac. Attention Mac users: remove the previous version before installing the new one.
The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to download the software and test it for 10 days free of charge.

March 30, 2007
AKVIS Decorator v.1.3: Update. Bugs fixed.
We are glad to offer you version 1.3 of AKVIS Decorator plug-in. The program allows applying new textures/colors to a surface preserving the original details of the object. See our on-line Tutorial to learn how Decorator works.
New to version 1.3:
- fixed bug that in some cases caused program crash when applying user textures;
- fixed memory bug that caused program crash on some images on Mac;
- new installation method on Mac;
- compatibility with Windows Vista;
- updated program documentation (Help).
The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to download and test the software for 10 days free of charge. Download the program here.
Upgrade for registered users is free.
Mac: If you first save your license file "Decorator.lic" and then put it in the new folder "AKVIS Decorator", you will not need to re-activate your license. Otherwise, you will have to register the plugin again with the same key.
Windows: To upgrade the program just download and install the new version over the previous one. Your lic-file is saved and valid for the new version.

March 20, 2007
AKVIS LightShop v.1.2: bug fixed!
We have upgraded the LightShop plugin for creation of amazing light effects to version 1.2:
Fixed a serious bug in Mac-version! We recommend Mac users to download LightShop v.1.2.
Japanese language has been added to the program interface and documentation. The Japanese section of our web-site has been updated too.
Upgrade for registered users is Free!
Mac: If you first save your license file "LightShop.lic" and then put it in the new folder "AKVIS LightShop", you will not need to re-activate your license. Otherwise, you will have to register the plugin again with the same key.
Windows: To upgrade the program just download and install the new version over the previous one. Your lic-file is saved and valid for the new version.

February 28, 2007
Retoucher v.2.5: Plug-in for Restoration of Damaged Photos
AKVIS Retoucher Plug-in has been upgraded to version 2.5. AKVIS Retoucher is an efficient program for photo restoration and photo retouching. It does not only remove dust, scratches, stains and other defects that appear on damaged photos but is also able to reconstruct the lacking parts of a photo.
New to version 2.5:
- New installation method on Mac. To install the plugin just drag the folder AKVIS Retoucher into the PlugIns folder of a photo editor.
- Changed the activation process on Mac (removed pre-registration of the demo version).
- Compatibility with Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta (Windows and Mac Power PC) and with Adobe Photoshop Elements v.5.
- Compatibility with Windows Vista.
Registered users can upgrade to version 2.5 for free. Just download the software and install it. You may need to read the Upgrade instruction.
All users have an opportunity to download and test the software for 10 days free of charge.

February 12, 2007
Sketch v.3.0: Photo-to-sketch conversion. Now with the option of saving Presets.
By popular request from our users we have released a new version of AKVIS Sketch plugin that allows save/edit Presets.
- Now it is possible to save favourite settings for future use. It will make the work with AKVIS Sketch yet more efficient.
Other important changes in version 3.0:
- Fixed bug that caused false display and processing of an image in the plug-in's window after layer transformation/movement;
- Compatibility with Windows Vista;
- New installation method on Mac: just drag the folder AKVIS Sketch from the Installation Wizard into the Plugins folder of your photo editor.
Registered users can upgrade to version 3.0 for free. Just download the software and install it. Mac-users should remove the old version from their computers before installing Sketch v.3.0.
All users have an opportunity to download and test the software for 10 days free of charge.
We are glad to inform you that AKVIS Sketch was awarded "Best Image Editing Software 2006" by "DT&G Magazine".

January 26, 2007
AKVIS LightShop: Create Amazing Light Effects! Discounts for Registered Users (till February 28, 2007)
We are glad to announce the release of a new program for creation of amazing light effects - AKVIS LightShop.
AKVIS LightShop lets you create an infinite number of light effects that draw attention and can animate any photo. For quick start the program offers ready-to-use light effects (presets) that can be applied in their initial version or can be modified.
You can download LightShop now and test the program for 10 days free of charge.
Every week, from December 13 till the release of the program, we raffled off one license among those who have bought our software on the respective week. The name of the weekly winner was drawn out from the customer database by chance. We published the names of the winners on the Events Page.
Attention! Those our registered users who have bought at least one AKVIS plug-in get a 20% discount on AKVIS LightShop. The customers who have purchased all AKVIS plug-ins get a 50% discount on the new program! Please write to us to get the discount. The offer is valid till February 28, 2007.
Note, that the Alchemy Bundle has become yet more payable. Now it costs $320 and includes all 9 AKVIS plug-ins (a saving of $343 against buying each plug-in separately).

January 8, 2007
Coming soon! AKVIS LightShop
In January 2007 we are planning to release a new program for creation of amazing light effects - AKVIS LightShop. By buying any AKVIS program now you automatically become a participant of AKVIS Raffle and have an opportunity to win a license to the upcoming program.
The program is not yet available for download but you can see examples of light effects created in LightShop.
Every week, since December 13 till the release of the program, we raffle off one license among those who have bought our software on the respective week. The name of the weekly winner is drawn out from the customer database by chance. We publish the names of the winners every week on the Events Page. Try your luck!


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Publication Authorization
By this we authorize you to publish reviews about the company software (program description, press-releases, etc) in magazines and journals on digital photography, image processing and software.

We authorize editors to place the trial version of our software on CDs and make it available for download from web-sites.

If you publish any information about the software or the company, please inform us and put a link to If possible, send us a copy of the publication.


Free for NGO: Museums, Archives

The AKVIS team is glad to contribute to cultural heritage conservation.

We can give free versions of AKVIS photo restoration and colorization software (AKVIS Retoucher and AKVIS Coloriage AI) to non-profit organizations involved in conservation and restoration of photographic archives having cultural value.

When sending us a request at, please, enclose a link to your web-site.