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AKVIS Coloriage AI 15.5 | Add Color to Black and White Photos

AKVIS Coloriage AI — Reviews:

Top 10 AI Tools to Recolor Image Review

(TopTen AI, 1/2021)

Black and white photos have an undeniable charm, which is why even modern-day photographs like to capture monochromatic images. However, sometimes the opposite is true and you may want to bring color to a black and white image or swap between existing colors. The technology that lets us recolor images hasn’t been around for that long and tools capable of achieving great results are still pretty rare, especially since not all tools are powered by AI just yet. However, there are a few good examples out there. With that in mind, in this article we’re going to be looking at the top 10 best recolor image tools currently available.

2. Akvis Coloriage

Akvis is one of the oldest image editing sites, first starting out way back in the early 2000s. Over the years the company has accumulate a large variety of interesting tools, including of course a color changer. The software isn’t particularly easy to work with but once you figure it out, you’ll be able to do a lot more with it than just recolor black and white images. Akvis allows you to replace existing colors with different ones and perform selective desaturation on certain areas of the image, to name just a couple of its main features.


Top 15 AI Photo Colorizers to Colorize Black and White Photos 2021

(TopTen AI, 1/2021)

Back in the 1960s, only a small proportion of people acquired colorization techniques. Today, things are different. There are many colorization tools are available. Even if you have never learned any photo editing skills, you can still colorize a photo with image colorizers, such as web apps, plugins, and software.

AKVIS Coloriage is a photo colorizer program that lets you add color to black and white portraits, landscapes, fashion, and still life. Instead of using AI technology, this software is more of a photo editor that lets you use brushes to add beautiful colors. For those who want to customize the colors of items in photos, AKVIS Coloriage can be a good option.

This software also allows you to eliminate red eye effect and correct color. If you think using a software is quite complicated, then AKVIS Coloriage could change your mind. As you play with the brush strokes, the software will automatically identify the edges and borders of the object. There is no need for precise work.


AKVIS Coloriage 12.5

(Pixelmania, 7/2020)

Softwarefabrikant Akvis heeft met Coloriage een plug-in annex stand-alone programma in huis waarmee men natuurlijk ogende inkleuringen kunt maken. Zo kan men bijvoorbeeld een oude zwart-witopname met de hand inkleuren, een kleur op bepaalde plaatsen in een kleurenfoto toevoegen of wijzigen of bijvoorbeeld een zwart-wittekening inkleuren. Het programma beschikt over een grote lijst standaardkleuren voor huidtinten, blauwe luchten en dergelijke, zodat je altijd de best passende kleur vindt. Wij bekeken de nieuwste versie Coloriage 12.5.


25 Best Free Photoshop Filters: Coloriage from AKVIS

(Format Magazine, 4/2020)

There’s some smart technology behind this simple filter. It can perform automatic photo colorizing with very realistic-looking results. It’s useful whether you want to colorize old black and white photos, or easily replace colors in your images.


Colorize your black and white photos with these amazing tools

(Daniel Oluwasegun, Windowsreport, 8/2019)

Do you have an old album of black and white photos you would like to bring back to life? Are you unsatisfied with the color pattern of a photo(s) in your gallery?

This article will help you out. Here, we’ll be reviewing five of the best photo colorizing software in the market.

To facilitate your decision making on which colorizer is most suitable for you, we have outlined five of the best photo colorizing software available.

Best photo colorizing software for Windows 10
AKVIS Coloriage

AKVIS Coloriage is a top-rated colorizing software, which is optimized to provide natural-looking colors to black and white photos. In the same vein, colored photographs can also be redesigned by adding, removing or overhauling the color pattern of the photos.

This software is cross-compatible with Macbook and Windows operating systems. For Windows OS, the software is supported on all versions between Win7 and Win 10 (both 32-bit and 64-bit inclusive).


AKVIS Coloriage

(Anca Roman, Softpedia, 6/2019)

Today’s technology allows you to recondition images and videos to such an extent that even their original quality can be put to shame. Many people, however, imagine that the tools employed for such a task are inaccessible to the average John.

A software utility such as AKVIS Coloriage is here to prove them wrong since it can breathe new life into your black-and-white pictures by inserting a tint of color into whatever object they depict.

First of all, it should be pointed out that the application is addressed at all users alike, with the GUI being home to a basic set of tools that let you get your work done without a hassle.

All in all, AKVIS Coloriage is a fun program overhauling pictures whose colors are rather dull. The app can add color to black-and-white photos, swat color, highlight objects, and more, with the effects it obtains being natural and professional looking, so if you are into visual experiments, you may want to take the program for a spin.


AKVIS Coloriage 11 Bringt Farbe ins Bild

(FOTO HITS, 4/2018)

Ein Schwarz-Weiß-Bild nachträglich per digitaler Bildbearbeitung zu kolorieren, ist nicht sehr schwer, erfordert aber dennoch einiges an Know-how und einen gewissen Zeitaufwand. Komfortabler macht es die Software Coloriage von AKVIS, die nun in der neuen Version 11 vorliegt.


Coloriage: Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos mit Farbeffekt

(CHIP, 4/2018)
"Schwarz-Weiß-Bilder einzufärben ist richtig unterhaltsam.
Coloriage macht es dem Nutzer nicht schwer, mit den integrierten Werkzeugen umzugehen.
Erste Ergebnisse sind schon nach wenigen Minuten zu sehen."

Michael Humpa | CHIP Software-Redaktion

Das Plug-in Coloriage für alle gängigen Grafikprogramme haucht grauen Bildern wieder Farbe ein.

Coloriage schafft, was üblichweise nur durch umständliche Farbton-Änderungen möglich ist: Im Handumdrehen lässt es alte Schwarz/Weiß-Bilder in realistischer Farbenpracht erscheinen. Aber damit nicht genug; auch bei Farbfotos kann es Farben ersetzen und somit Popart ähnliche Bilder kreieren.

Alles was Sie tun müssen ist, mit dem Pinsel den Bereich des Bildes zu umranden, den Sie kolorieren möchten. Vorgefertigte Farbsätze wie Haut, Himmel und Haare helfen bei der richtigen Farbwahl.


Software Review: Photo-Editing to Add Color to Your Ancestors

(Rick Crume, Family Tree Magazine, 7/2017)

Looking at old family photos, it’s easy to get the impression your ancestors lived in a black-and-white or sepiatoned world. But now you can take your images from Kansas to Oz, with photo editing software that allows you to easily colorize black-and-white pictures and see your ancestors’ faces, clothing and surroundings in realistic pigments.

If you want a simpler way to add color to black-and-white pictures without having to master a complicated program, simple software that focuses on that one task might be just what you need.

AKVIS Coloriage is one of the best programs for colorizing photos <...>. You don’t have to fill in the areas exactly, as the program detects uncolored shapes for you.

The program is fun to use and will bring your old family photographs to life.


AKVIS Coloriage V.10.5

(Michael Kleper, The Kleper Report in Digital Publishing, MMXVII, No. 262 v.21.1)

AKVIS Coloriage V.10.5, available as both a plug-in for image editing program, and as a standalone app, enabled fast and easy colorization of black-and-white photos, and replacement of colors in full-color photos.

The program provides a spectrum of colors gradations categorized by picture elements, such as People, Grass, Leaves, Wood, Stones, Sky, Clouds, Water, Metals, Ground, and Fabric. The user simply selects an appropriate category and draws on the image with the Pencil tool to indicate where the color will be applied. The user need not paint with any accuracy at all, merely drawing lines within the area that will contain the color. Clicking the Run button applies the colors precisely within the targeted areas, respecting orders and retaining grayscale tones.


AKVIS Coloriage 10.5

(Michael Shaw, MaUsE DoubleClick, 1/2017)

Coloriage is comparatively easy to use, once you understand the basics of the program. The trial download includes the option of a PDF manual that is very helpful in getting you started. <...>

With AKVIS Coloriage the user can easily and quickly match and manipulate the colors of an image: from colorizing old black and white photos from your scanned images from the old family albums to replacing colors in your color photos. This all sounds very easy and you may say that you can do all of that with Adobe Photoshop but AKVIS Coloriage is designed to be easier and faster and achieve better results in less time.


AKVIS Coloriage 8.0

(Kevin Poulter, AppleUsers, 7/2012)

Certainly the software does try to adapt to the selected texture and tone - for example skin tones, as supplied in their menu, however unless there is a very defined edge between colours, then it is not auto-fill. In this photograph of Elvis, I found it was far preferable to paint a very accurate border. Considering auto-fill is a big ask on soft edges, it was not unreasonable to require colouring the edges.

Like most plug-ins, the result can be alternatively achieved manually in Photoshop or Elements, however the plug-in makes it easier, quicker and better...

My verdict is 8 out of 10—very useful if you regularly like to colourise.


Colorize Digital Photos with AKVIS Coloriage

(Michele McDonough, Bright Hub, 6/2011)

AKVIS Coloriage is a digital photograph color-changing plugin that is compatible with Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, and a number of other image editing applications. It’s also available as a standalone product so anyone can take advantage of its abilities.

One of the major applications of the utility is to colorize black and white photographs in a natural-looking manner, but it can also be used to change colors in a photo, recolor selected areas, and convert color images to black and white...


AKVIS Coloriage 7.0

(Linda Cameron, McMUG, The Finder, 03/2010)

The more I looked, the more I realized that this program is much more powerful than I first thought it to be.
It is easy to get carried away and spend a whole day playing with this program. It is really fun and when you get a good result, it feels great. The more you play with it the better you get.


AKVIS Coloriage 6.0. Colorization Plug-in For Adobe Photoshop

(Daniel M. East, Layers Magazine, 05/2009)

Colorizing old photographs has come a long way, and AKVIS has six versions of this software to prove it. Coloriage V.6.0 is another step in the right direction for image professionals who want great results in Photoshop (or from a standalone application), as it brings a little more performance and slightly better results than previous editions.


Colorize Digital Photos with AKVIS Coloriage

(, Michele McDonough, 2/2009)

AKVIS Coloriage is a digital photograph color-changing plugin that is compatible with Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, and a number of other image editing applications. It’s also available as a standalone product so anyone can take advantage of its abilities.
One of the major applications of the utility is to colorize black and white photographs in a natural-looking manner, but it can also be used to change colors in a photo, recolor selected areas, and convert color images to black and white.
In the end, I found Coloriage extremely impressive for the quality of the results that can be achieved with the minimal input of effort and time.
Coloriage is fast becoming one of my favorite plugins, and I love how easy it is to modify colors in a photograph or any other image using the software.


Product Review - AKVIS-Coloriage 4.0

(Victoria Maciulski, CVMUG, A Publication of Conejo Ventura Macintosh Users Group, 02/2007, p.6)

Coloriage is a tool to colorize black & white photos or drawings. You can also use it to change the colors in an image. I reviewed an version of this product last year about this time. I am impressed that they managed to release two new versions in a year.
AKVIS Coloriage is a plug-in for image processing software including Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Corel Photo- Paint, Corel (Jasc) Paint Shop Pro, and others that use Photoshop- compatible plugins...


AKVIS Coloriage BEST 2005 SOFT

AKVIS Coloriage - BEST 2005 SOFT

(PC Magazine Russian Edition, 10/2005)


AKVIS Coloriage was awarded the Best of Soft 2005 prize of PC Magazine/RE.



Noel Finch fleshes out his old photos with colouring software

(Noel Finch, The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper, 10/2005)

Before my mum passed away, she gave me a small bundle of photos of myself as a baby and child. I've got dozens of photos of my brother and sisters and other ones of my dad that I've coloured. They're beautiful. I scan them in grayscale and then I colour them from there. The program is a plug-in for most of the photo editing suites on the market. When you open an image, you select "Filter" and start the process...


AKVIS Coloriage

(Josh, Nerd-Life)

...The basic idea of this plugin is to either color, replace color, or even give an existing color scheme a more surreal look to it. As ive stated before, I love old photos, so a plugins that can help me make my black and white photos look like ive hand colored them is a blessing. No need to try to pull this off with photoshops tools, all that you need is right in this plugin...


AKVIS Coloriage v 1.2

(Tamera Vesta, Pasco Computer Users Club)

Coloriage is one of the most entertaining plug-ins that I have ever used. It is easy to use, and allows you to unlock some serious creativity. If you have some black and white photos (or even some very boring color ones you would like to improve), Coloriage is a great way to make them have the hand color treatment that you get from a professional artist...


AKVIS-Coloriage Plug-in

( Anna Lee Horton, IBM PC USER’S GROUP OF REDDING, 07/2005)

...It’s a great tool to experiment with in designing and decorating. You can look at how a room or house would look in different colors and compare. It’s nice to be able to take those old family pictures and color them. I used the Coloriage plug- in with Microsoft’s Digital Image 9 Suite and in Adobe Elements...


The review of AKVIS Coloriage at Shareware Junkies

(Simon Baillie, Shareware Junkies, 07/2005)

Coloriage is a colorizing program with which you can bring black and white photos to life with colors and revitalize color photos. That is not all if you think about it, you could also tryout different color schemes for the interior/exterior of your house, see if a new hair color would suit you, mix and match different color clothes, try a different color for your car, the possibilities go on and on...



(Peter Marshall, About Photography, 05/2005)

From the earliest years of photography, photographers have added colour by hand to photographic images, starting with daguerreotypes. Some of the results from the early years are exquisite. Even when colour photography became more widely available, starting from the early years of the twentieth century with processes such as Autochrome, and around the 1930-50s with modern colour processes, some photographers still preferred to add colours by hand...