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AKVIS ArtWork 14.5 | Collection of Painting & Drawing Techniques

Read articles about AKVIS ArtWork, photo to painting conversion software.


AKVIS ArtWork — Reviews:

AKVIS ArtWork 11.2

Convert photos into oil painting, watercolor, gouache, and other paintings

(Pedro Castro, software.informer, Oct 20, 2019)

AKVIS ArtWork is intended to make photographs look as if they were paintings. The program´s interface is very similar to those of other products by the same developer. It is also rather easy to use and provides helpful information as to the use of each of the elements. It can also be used as a plugin for other photo editors; and, in such case, the look will depend on that of the host program.

AKVIS ArtWork allows importing many of the picture formats, including not only the most commonly used, like JPG, TIFF, and PNG; but also more specific ones, such as CRW, RAW, ORF, NEF, NNG, among others. One of the advantages of AKVIS Artwork is that it allows processing batches of images in a single operation, which definitely saves a lot of time and effort.

The results depend primarily on the type of painting techniques you choose. These include oil, watercolor, pen and ink, comics, linocut, gouache, and pastel. There are also various preset options but you can tweak them to get the picture look as you want it to. In this respect, it is possible to adjust stroke intensity, density, sharpen, blurring option and saturation. Likewise, there is a smudge tool that you can use to retouch the images.

Fortunately, there is the opportunity to preview it in real time in a before-after fashion. So, when the transformations look as expected, you can export the results to JPG, PNG, BMP or TIFF. Moreover, the tool allows you to post them to various cloud services.



(Ana Marculescu, Softpedia, March 28, 2019)

AKVIS ArtWork is a professional software application whose purpose is to help you transform your digital photos into paintings with the aid of special painting styles, such as oil, watercolor, comics, pen and ink, gouache, linocut, and pastel.

You are welcomed by a clean feature lineup that allows you to set up most of the parameters with minimal effort, thanks to the built-in sliders. It also offers additional information about each feature, which is displayed in a dedicated panel, so you can easily get acquainted to the program’s functions.

All in all, AKVIS ArtWork proves to be a reliable application that comes bundled with a decent suite of features for helping you generate paintings out of digital images without having to use brushes.



(CHIP, 04/2017)
"Dank der einfachen Handhabung bereitet das Bearbeiten von Bildern mit ArtWork sehr viel Spaß."
Michael Humpa | CHIP Software-Redaktion

Mit dem Bildbearbeiter "AKVIS ArtWork" erstellen Sie spielend einfach Ölgemälde, Comics oder Linolschnitte aus Ihren Fotos.

Ein Ölgemälde auf Knopfdruck? Kein Problem mit der Software ArtWork. Der Bildbearbeiter kreiert mühelos aus jedem Foto ein Kunstwerk in Öl, im Comic- oder Gouache-Stil, als Tintenzeichnung, in Pastellfarben oder als Linolschnitt.

Die Handhabung ist dabei besonders einfach. Zuerst das Bild per Drag&Drop in die Benutzeroberfläche ziehen. Danach wählen Sie den gewünschten Bereich aus, der bearbeitet werden soll. Nun wählen Sie den gewünschten Stil aus.

In der Folge sehen Sie die Änderungen des jeweiligen Filters in Echtzeit. Noch nicht zufrieden? Dann stellen Sie einzelne Parameter nach Lust und Laune um. Dazu bietet ArtWork diverse Schieberegler, die beliebig verstellt werden können.


Akvis Artistic Suite Review

(Bojan Živković, DesignEasy, 11/2013)

Akvis ArtWork

ArtWork 8.0 is very similar to Sketch. The only and main difference is that this product is converting images into paintings instead of sketches…

Presets are starting point and there are several built in presets available for each style from the bottom of palette on the right side of screen.
Usually after choosing preset I am playing with 2-3 options like: Simplicity, Stroke Length, Thickness and Details sliders until I get desired result in proxy preview. My favorite styles are: Oil, Pen and Ink, Watercolor and Pastel, by the way.


AKVIS ArtWork 7

(Glauco Dattini, "Fotografare", 6/2013)

Da foto a dipinti con pochi click
Uno dei migliori software per effetti pittorici sulle immagini.

Il software è semplice e intuitivo. È facile applicare un preset, e anche personalizzare il risultato.

Gli stili sono ampiamente personalizzabili, è possibile aggiungere tele, texture e testo alle immagini elaborate.


Software Review: Two from AKVIS

(Tanya Mattson, Computer Users of Erie, Horizons, 5/2012)

I reviewed two pieces of software from AKVIS: Chameleon, which is a photo collage creation application and Artwork, which turns photos into works of art. Both can be stand-alone or Photoshop plug-ins.

AKVIS ArtWork:

This plug-in can transform photos into paintings using various techniques. They are Oil, Watercolor, Comics, Pen & Ink, Linocut, and Pastel. <...>

If you want to transform your ordinary, run-of-the-mill photos into something new and eye-catching, these two applications can give you a wide range of choices to turn your creativity loose.


AKVIS ArtWork wandelt Ihre Fotos über verschiedene Maltechniken in schöne Bilder

(Axel Gerken,, 8/2011)

Wer seine Urlaubsfotos zu kleinen Kunstwerken verwandeln möchte, dem kann ich das Programm AKVIS ArtWork sehr empfehlen. Hat man hier einmal angefangen, die unterschiedlichen Effekte auszuprobieren, dann lässt es einem so schnell nicht wieder los. Hier können viele Malstile und auch zusätzliche Effekte, die den Maluntergrund betreffen, eingestellt werden.


Akvis ArtWork 6.0

(Paul Holbrook, Fielding's Review, 8/2011)

Digital photography is fun and a great creative outlet, but have you ever looked at a scene you’ve photographed and wished you instead had the talent to recreate it in oil? Or pastels? Or pen and ink, linocut, or watercolors? Don’t have the time, talent, or art supplies? Don’t worry about it. You can convert any digital photo into just the perfect example of any of those art media. And it will be done instantly and so well no one will guess that it is a digital conversion.


Akvis ArtWork 5.0, ora con lo stile acquerello

(Mauro Notarianni , Macity, 02/2011)

Artwok è un’applicazione della quale vi abbiamo parlato diverse volte e che consente di applicare diverse tecniche di pittura alle foto digitali permettendo di creare quelli che sembrano reali dipinti a olio, fumetti e delicati acquerelli. Nella nuova versione è stato aggiunto lo stile “Acquerello” che converte una foto in un dipinto ad acquerello...


Akvis ArtWork

(L. Davenport, SMMUG, 4/2009)

I like that Akvis ArtWork comes in two basic versions - which is especially helpful to individuals that don't own Adobe Photoshop or another art program that uses plug-ins. The user interface is simple and easy to use...


REVIEW: Akvis ArtWork 1.0

(Danny Raphael, Moderator – Photo-art Forum,, 2/2009)

This is a specialty plug-in: version 1.0 only had the ability to render an “oil painting” look. Like Akvis Sketch I expect over time Artwork will be upgraded to include additional functionality.

I highly prefer the output of ArtWork over “oil painting” effects rendered by SnapArt and Virtual Painter.


I’ll be honest: When I first tried ArtWork I was not impressed. I just didn’t get it. BUT the more I used it, the MORE I LIKED IT. It is now among my favorite plugins. No kidding.

ArtWork is not the answer to everyone’s oil painting-look needs. For me it’s just another tool in the toolbox. Most of the time I use it in conjunction with Impressionist, SnapArt, Virtual Painter, Paint Engine, and/or Corel Painter.

The 10-day full use trial of Artwork should be ample time to make a purchase decision. Be sure to try it on images of various dimensions and resolutions.

To see more ArtWork creations, please visit this pBase gallery.


Create Paintings and Comics from Digital Photos with AKVIS Artwork

(, Michele McDonough, 2/2009)

In today’s market, there are a number of applications that claim to be able to transform a digital photograph into a painting, cartoon, or sketch with very little effort. Some of these programs are extremely easy to use and give great results, while others can be a little frustrating and time-consuming. AKVIS ArtWork falls into the former category as it is relatively simple to learn, yet it still produces some truly nice quality images...


Akvis Artwork - Review

(Donny Yankellow,, 1/2009)

Have you ever had a photo or photos that you wanted to have converted into a painting? This can be extremely expensive. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars you can spend less than $100 and do it yourself with AKVIS Artwork.

Artwork allows you to take a photograph and convert it into a painting. OK, it can't really make it a painting created by a brush, but it can create an image that looks like a painting created by a brush.

Believe it or not, the program is really easy to use. You open you image and start manipulating it using the slider controls to make the brush strokes look the way you want. This is where you have to be careful. Push the sliders too much or too little and it won't look like a painting...



(Simon Baillie,, 11/2008)

If you want top quality image editing software then you need look no further than the Akvis software house. Their latest offering is Akvis Artwork which converts digital photos into uncannily lifelike works of art.

As usual Akvis Artwork carries on the Akvis trademark "simple to use" GUI with 9 separate adjustable sliders ranging from Stroke curvature, length and thickness to Microdetails to relief to simplicity. All these give you the opportunity to fine tune your "work of art" and create different styles of oil painting To finalise the realistic look you can change the canvas from a large selection supplied and you can add a signature...



(Geetesh Bajaj,, 11/2008)

AKVIS ArtWork, a Photoshop compatible plug-in transforms your pictures by imparting professional painting styles to them. Change the default settings through convenient sliders, and you can end up with any number of painted styles. A special tool brush defines the guiding lines, and a virtual painter can convert any image into a painting directing the strokes to follow the lines within the actual picture. You can add an artist's signature, and there is a choice between a flat background and a rough surface (canvas, paper, etc.)...