Selection tools let you specify an editing area on an image. The selected area is marked by a dotted outline. The retouching and artistic tools work only in the selection.
You can move the selection outline in the image - place the cursor inside the selected area and drag.
Press V to quickly access the selection tools and switch between them.
Selections Tools:
- Deselect Ctrl+D (Windows) or ⌘+D (Mac).
- Select All Ctrl+A (Windows) or ⌘+A (Mac).
- Inverse Selection Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows) or ⌘+⇧+I (Mac).
Hold Shift to make a square or a circle and to draw a perfectly vertical/horizontal line.
The tools options will be shown in the Settings Panel and in a floating box when right-clicking on the image:
New . When creating a new selection, the previous selection disappears.
Add . The selection area will be increased by adding new fragments.
Subtract . This mode lets removing the part of the selection.
Intersect . This mode lets keeping only the intersection area of the selections.
Add | Subtract |
Feather = 0 | Feather = 15 |
Anti-aliasing is disabled | Anti-aliasing is enabled |
From Center is disabled | From Center in enabled |
Normal. The size of a selection is determined by dragging the cursor.
Fixed Size. This option lets you create a selection with exact dimensions (height and width, in pixels).
Fixed Ratio. The ratio of height and width of a selection remains fixed.