A Cambodian Bas-Relief

The author of the tutorial is Jean-Claude Grégoire.

Original image Result
Original image Result

You can make this exercise yourself using the materials that we give you. Download the archive "cambodian-bas-relief.zip" containing the images.


Jean-Claude Grégoire wrote this tutorial with the intention of:

The source image is a photograph of a stone bas-relief in a temple in Angkor, Cambodia. Jean-Claude found it looked a little sad in its greenish-gray colors. So he decided to brighten it up a little bit with the AKVIS Decorator plug-in.


Read the description of the decoration process:

Before applying this plug-in, you'll have to make a selection of the parts of the image you want to decorate.

Before beginning such a complex work, you'll have to think about it a little, or better to try it on a downsized version of your image (the bigger the image, the longer the processing time of the plug-in). I chose the second way, what made me understand which errors weren't to be made. Now I give you the good way to manage the decoration of this bas-relief.


Decorator v. 9.0 - Free 10-day Trial    Download