Artistic Processing

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The author of the example is Jean-Claude Grégoire. He writes:


This tutorial was written to demonstrate the use of the AKVIS Sketch plug-in. However, besides Adobe Photoshop, I used the AKVIS Enhancer and the AKVIS Noise Buster plug-ins.

Sometimes the photo for starting off from isn't indeed quite excellent and we first need adjustment with some AKVIS plug-ins. Yes, if the initial colors are not good enough, the final water colors won't be OK and, if there is too much noise in your photo, the sketch will not come out neat.

So I chose a bad photo to show at the same time the extraordinary photo enhancement possibilities of two other AKVIS plug-ins: AKVIS Enhancer and AKVIS Noise Buster.

This summer (2006), I took several shots of my grand children with my digital camera. Unfortunately one of them was seriously underexposed. I decided it was an ideal starting point for this tutorial.

Underexposed photo Result
Source image Result


Preparing the Photo for Conversion to Sketch

Important note: Some malcontents will probably say "You don't even need the AKVIS Sketch plug-in for getting such a beautiful image". To be honest, I've tried. Starting from the enhanced photo of step 4 I tried several Photoshop filters and merging modes on a few layers, but couldn't get the delicate result: all I was able to get was a violent image with a look of a "Photoshop processed image", unless I started a long a difficult brush work. The biggest differences of the AKVIS Sketch plug-in with the built-in Photoshop filters lie:

- in the very precise way the plug-in processes the pencil strokes for getting a realistic hand-made drawing and

- in its speed, compared with the long and numerous manipulations which are necessary to obtain a nearly similar result with the standard tools.

In any case, you don't have to be able to draw for getting an even good result as I did with the AKVIS Sketch plug-in, whereas it's quite another story with the classic filters and brushes.


Sketch v. 28.0 - 10日間の評価期間    ダウンロード