Winter Dream: FairyTale Forest

あいにく, このページは英語にだけ使用可能です。

Would you like to celebrate New Year's Eve or Christmas in this fairy-tale wooden house? Just imagine - nothing but snow-covered fir-trees all around, transparent winter air... it's cold outside, but you sit in a cosy wicker chair near the fireplace... wooden logs crackle in the fire and the scent of the fir tree adds to the aroma of tangerines and pastry.

This photo can be easily converted into a color pencil sketch with the AKVIS Sketch.

We use the Sketch plugin in this tutorial, but you can take the standalone edition and use the same parameters to achive this result.

Follow the instructions:


Sketch v. 28.0 - 10日間の評価期間    ダウンロード