Comics From Toy Superheroes

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La version française sera bientôt affichée.

The author of this tutorial is T. Skaarup.

Using Adobe PhotoShop, PhotoScape, and the AKVIS Sketch plug-in he created a story about superheroes and presented it in the form of comics.

Finished page of the comics Finished page of the comics Finished page of the comics
Click to open in a larger window


We decided to follow the initiative of the author, and process the images using a different method. Instead of using the AKVIS Sketch, we used AKVIS ArtWork (with the Comics style, of course).

Compare the results. On the left, there is an image created with AKVIS Sketch, and on the right, one made with AKVIS ArtWork:

Comics made in Sketch and ArtWork


Sketch v. 28.0 - 10 jours d'essai    Télécharger