When creating a high-quality drawing, it is necessary not only to pay attention to lines and details, but also to how textures are represented. The Stroke Direction tool and other features of AKVIS Sketch can convey the structure of an object as if it were drawn by a real artist.
Charcoal = 2;
Min Length/Max Length = 5/13;
Midtones Intensity = 6.
Process the image again:
Press the button. The result differs from the one received in Step 3:
It's possible to make these defects less noticeable using the features of the program.
The first method: deactivate the Preserve Edges check-box. The strokes reorient themselves in a general direction, but now the image's borders are weaker.
The second method: use the blur tools. Usually these are used to create an effect, but here they can be used to correct a defect.
Switch to the Background tab and choose Sketch & Blur from the drop-down menu, the processing method Drawing on Blur, and the Gaussian blurring method.
Use the blue pencil (Effect Area Tool) to indicate the area that will not be blurred. Use the green pencil (Blur Area Tool)
to mark the area with defects - they will be blurred before the photo is converted into a drawing.
Start processing by pressing the button.
Finally, the image needs to be brighter. To do this, make a copy of the image by choosing Layer -> Duplicate Layer. Apply the Linear Burn blend mode to the top layer in the Layers palette, set the Opacity to 30% and choose the command Layer -> Flatten Image.