AKVISニュース 2008


AKVIS ArtWork v.1.5: イメージ写真をリアルな油絵に変換!
AKVIS ArtWorkは、様々なペイントテクニックを模倣できるよう設計されています。
本プログラムは、2つのバージョン 独立したプログラム (スタンドアロン) およびフォトエディタ用プラグインとして提供されます。

AKVIS Sketch v.8.5: 写真を鉛筆画や水彩画に自動的に変換する。 新しい特徴: テキスト
AKVIS Sketchの新しいバージョンアップは出しました。
Sketch は、写真を鉛筆画や水彩画に自動的に変換するためのソフトウェアです。
[テキスト] タブを使って、碑文や署名を画像に追加することができます。

AKVIS ArtWork v.1.0: イメージ写真をリアルな油絵に変換!
AKVIS ArtWorkは、様々なペイントテクニックを模倣できるよう設計されています。
本プログラムは、2つのバージョン 独立したプログラム (スタンドアロン) およびフォトエディタ用プラグインとして提供されます。

AKVIS Magnifier v.2.0: 画像のリサイズを簡単にします
AKVIS Magnifierの新しいバージョンをリリースしました。
Magnifierを使えば、効率的に画像解像度を上げることができます。品質を損なうことなく画像のリサイズを可能にします。 本プログラムは、2つのバージョン 独立したプログラム (スタンドアロン) およびフォトエディタ用プラグインとして提供されます。
変化の一覧表はダウンロードページであります。 登録済みユーザは、無料でバージョン2.0にアップグレードすることができます。
Magnifier v.2.0のダウンロード!

AKVIS Sketch v.8.0: 写真を鉛筆画や水彩画に自動的に変換する
AKVIS Sketch は、写真を鉛筆画や水彩画に自動的に変換するためのソフトウェアです。

AKVIS Coloriage v.6.0: カラー化が簡単に! 新しい: 再カラーブラシ。
AKVIS Coloriageの新しいバージョンをリリースしました。 登録済みユーザは、無料でバージョン6.0にアップグレードすることができます。
AKVIS Coloriage を使用すると、白黒写真をカラー写真として蘇らせることができるだけでなく、カラー写真の色を変更して印象を刷新したりすることができます。
AKVIS Coloriage v.6.0のダウンロード。 変化の一覧表はダウンロードページであります。
登録使用者は無報酬にソフトウェアを上り坂することができます。 すべてのユーザは、ソフトウェアを10日間無償で試用できます。

AKVIS LightShop v.2.5: 驚く程の照明効果が作成できます。照明効果の事前設定:72!
>AKVIS LightShopの新しいバージョンをリリースしました。
LightShop を使って、無限の光のイメージ効果を作成してみましょう。 プログラムの操作を簡単にするために、プリセット(照明効果の事前設定)を利用してはじめたり、それを元に変更することができます。
すべてのユーザは、ソフトウェアを10日間無償で試用できます。 LightShop v.2.5のダウンロード!
登録済みユーザは、無料でバージョン2.5にアップグレードすることができます。 最新版をダウンロードし、インストールするだけです。

AKVIS Enhancer v.9.5: Exif
AKVIS Enhancerの新しいバージョンアップは出しました。
AKVIS Enhancer は、写真のディテールを引き出すことができるツールです。変化の一覧表はダウンロードページであります。 登録使用者は無報酬にソフトウェアを上り坂することができます。
Now the program supports the Exif data to the full extent and ensures that the additional camera information (shooting date, exposure settings, comments, etc) does not get lost or altered.
Download AKVIS Enhancer v9.5 (10-days free test)!

AKVIS Chameleon 6.0: コラージュ作成ソフトウェア
AKVIS Chameleonの新しいバージョンアップは出しました。
Chameleon フォトコラージュ作成のための効果的なツールです。 本ソフトウェアには、4つのモードがあります:
モンタージュ、 カメレオン、 混合モード、 エマーション。

AKVIS Noise Buster 新バージョンリリース
AKVIS Noise Buster の新しいバージョンアップは出しました。 Noise Busterは 、デジタルノイズリダクションのソフトウェアです。

Update of AKVIS Magnifier to version 1.2
We are glad to announce the release of version 1.2 of AKVIS Magnifier. The program allows resizing images without loss in quality.
Version 1.2 offers new interface and help languages: German and Japanese.
Also some bugs have been fixed:
- Fixed bug that caused the program to crash when saving 16 bit images with alpha-channel as jpeg;
- Fixed bug that caused the program to crash when loading tiff files unsupported by libtiff.
Download the new version, upgrade is free.

AKVIS Magnifier v.1.0: Photo Enlagement Software
We are glad to announce the release of a new program - AKVIS Magnifier, standalone software. AKVIS Magnifier allows resizing images without noticeable loss in quality. If you attempt to blow up a picture (increase its resolution) using the standard Resize command of a photo editor, you will notice that the resulting photo is blurred and pixelated. The reason is that the input photo didn't contain enough information for the new size. AKVIS Magnifier will cope with this problem and deliver good results.
For the moment, the software is available only as a standalone application. The plugin version is coming soon!
Test the software for 10 days free of charge. Download the program here.

Retoucher v.3.0: Retouch Damaged Photos
AKVIS Retoucher has been updated to version 3.0. The plug-in allows restoring damages photos by removing dust, scratches, stains and by reconstructing the lacking parts of a photo.
New to version 3.0 - Bugs fixed;
- Improved compatibility with Photoshop Elements 6 for Windows and Macintosh versions;
- Improved compatibility with Windows Vista;
- Added support of Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).
Registered users can upgrade to version 3.0 for free. Just download the software and install it.
The users who tried the previous version of the plug-in and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to download the software and test it for 10 days free of charge.

AKVIS SmartMask V.2.0. New Version!
New version of AKVIS SmartMask for Macintosh and Windows has been released! The SmartMask plug-in is an efficient masking tool that saves you time on complex selections and is fun to use.
New to version 2.0
- Hot-Keys added.
- New interface languages: Spanish and Italian.
- Fixed bug that caused the program to crash on the second monitor on multi-monitor systems.
- Fixed color profile bug that led to incorrect display of an image in the preview window on some monitor profiles.
- Also this version offers improved compatibility with Vista SP1.
Download fully functional trial versions for Windows and Macintosh and try the plug-in 10 days for free!
Registered users can upgrade SmartMask for free!
Those who tried the previous version of the software during a trial period, now have an opportunity to test the software again during 10 days (starting from the first use).

AKVIS Enhancer v.9.2: 問題を修正しました!
Enhancer の新しいバージョンアップは出しました。 AKVIS Enhancer は、写真のディテールを引き出すことができるツールです。変化の一覧表はダウンロードページであります。登録使用者は無報酬にソフトウェアを上り坂することができます。 すべてのユーザは、ソフトウェアを10日間無償で試用できます。

AKVIS ArtSuite v.4.0: New Artistic Effects: Glamour and Two Keys
The photo decoration software ArtSuite has been updated to version 4.0.
In addition to the previously available 15 effects, this version offers two new ones: Glamour and Two Keys.
The Glamour effect turns an ordinary portrait into a beauty from fashion magazine covers. The new effect improves human skin, enhancing skin tones and smoothing imperfections without affecting the natural skin texture or applying the artificial "plastic" look to the skin.
Just select some colors on the skin and click on the "Start" button; you will get a convincing result.
The Two Keys effect allows adjusting many aspects of a photo (color shades, contrast, brightness) using two key colors.
The Upgrade for registered users is free!
ArtSuite can be used as an independent application (standalone) and as a plug-in to a photo editor. Download for Windows and Macintosh!

AKVIS Sketch v.7.0: Special Effects Added!
We are glad to inform you about the release of AKVIS Sketch v.7.0. The software converts photos to realistic pencil and watercolor drawings.
The new version offers special effects that make the final photo yet more impressive.
Create a blend of the final drawing and the original image; imitate motion or add "time machine effect" by swirling the background; put an accent on certain parts of the image by blurring the rest of it in an artistic way. It proves especially useful when the final drawing contains too many details on the background that divert attention.
The new effects can be found in the Background tab, which offers three modes of working. Also, new tools have been added to define the effect area. Read our Tutorial to learn how to achieve different effects.
AKVIS Sketch is available as a stand-alone application, as well as a plugin to a photo editor. Download version 7.0 (both editions are included) and use it 10 days free of charge.
Upgrade for registered users is free.

Update of Enhancer v.9.1: Bugs fixed!
The photo enhancement software AKVIS Enhancer has been updated to version 9.1. In new version we fixed bugs:
- Color profile bug that caused incorrect display and processing of an image on some monitor profiles.
- Batch scripting bug (in the plug-in edition). Note that the old actions made for old versions of Enhancer won't work properly with this fixed version.
- And some minor bugs.
Update for registered users is free!
Download version 9.1 for Windows and Macintosh in two editions: plug-in and stand-alone application from the Download page.

Noise Buster v.6.0: New Noise Suppression Algorithm!
We are glad to announce the release of version 6.0 of AKVIS Noise Buster. The software reduces noise on digital images without spoiling other aspects of the photo.
New to version 6.0:
- New algorithm for noise suppression. The advanced algorithm allows suppressing visible noise preserving the detail on the photo. The automatic filtering mode has become more precise.
- Added a new Microdetail parameter. The parameter reveals more detail and does not bring back the suppressed noise.
- Added Unsharp Mask Option. It will replace the Sharpen Edge parameter. The way it works is different from its forerunner but the function is the same - to regulate the sharpness of the objects' edges.
Attention! Due to the change in the algorithm, the user presets for the earlier versions will not work.
Registered users can upgrade to version 6.0 for free! Download AKVIS Noise Buster and install it.
The users who tried the previous version of the software and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to test the software again.

AKVIS Enhancer V.9.0: Focus Mode Added
The new version of the image enhancement software is released! Version 9.0 of AKVIS Enhancer presents a new mode that makes the program yet more useful for improving detail on a photo.
The new Focus mode improves blurred images by bringing into focus the whole image or only certain parts of it. It happens that the camera fails to focus on the object of shooting and it comes out unsharp. This mode can save such out-of-focus images.
Besides, the program detects detail in underexposed, overexposed and mid tone areas of a photo with uneven exposure and supports HDRI technology.
Download Enhancer now in Windows or in Macintosh version.
Upgrade for registered users is Free.
The users who tried the previous version of the software and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to test the software again.

Sketch v.6.5: Photo-to-Sketch Conversion in Real Time
We are glad to announce the update of AKVIS Sketch to version 6.5! Now you can observe the conversion of a photo to a drawing or a watercolor painting in real time! It's fun to see how the strokes are laid on the paper to create a drawing.
New to version 6.5:
- Real-time drawing. It allows not only to make the process more entertaining, but also to preview the result and control the processing. If you see that the parameters should be adjusted, you can interrupt the processing by pressing Escape.
- improved Color Strokes feature.
Download AKVIS Sketch for Windows or Macintosh. The program is available as a stand-alone application and as a Photoshop plug-in.
Upgrade for registered users is Free (more).
The users who tried the previous version of the software and have their version expired, now have an opportunity to test the software again.

AKVIS ArtSuite v.3.0: New Effects!
We are glad to announce the update of AKVIS ArtSuite (earlier known as Frame Suite) to version v.3.0. The name change reflects the new approach to the program. Now the program does not only offer edge effects for adding photo frames to digital photos, but some other artistic effects as well.
This version offers three new effects: Black&White, Shift Colors, and Channel Mixer. It is planned to enrich the effects collection.
Also new to this version:
- By user request, the Autorun mode has been added.
- New interface language (Spanish) made available.
The update of the earlier versions of Frame Suite to ArtSuite is free. Just install the program and use your Frame Suite key to activate the new version. You can remove the older version, if needed.
Download ArtSuite 3.0 now in Windows or in Macintosh version.
The users who tried the previous version of the program and have their version expired, now can try ArtSuite again with its new effects.
Try the program during the trial period for free!

AKVIS SmartMask V.1.2. Now for Windows and Macintosh!
New version of AKVIS SmartMask is available for Macintosh and Windows! The SmartMask plug-in is an efficient masking tool that saves you time on complex selections and is fun to use.
Macintosh-version is Universal Binary. It works with both Intel and Power PC mac-computers.
There were found and fixed some minor bugs in Windows version. Windows-users are recommended to download and install the new version. Those who tried the previous version of the software during a trial period, now have an opportunity to test the software again during 10 days (starting from the first use).
Also in this version we have added a new interface language - German.
Download fully functional trial versions for Windows and Macintosh and try the plug-in 10 days for free!

AKVIS SmartMask v.1.1: Masking Tool for Windows
We are glad to announce the release of a new program - AKVIS SmartMask plug-in. AKVIS SmartMask makes even a difficult selection as easy as pie. Now, you can spend less of your time on the selection of objects and more of it on creativity. Have a look at the screenshots.
For the moment, the software is available only for Windows. The Macintosh version is coming soon!
Test the software for 10 days free of charge. Download the program here.

AKVIS Decorator v.1.5
AKVIS Decoratorの新しいバージョンアップは出しました。 Decorator は、被写体表面の色や模様を違和感なく変更することができるプラグインです。
変化の一覧表はダウンロードページであります。 登録使用者は無報酬にソフトウェアを上り坂することができます。  

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