The Contour Watercolor style imitates a mixed method of painting, very close to the "dry-on-wet" watercolor technique. It adds thin lines to the painting to emphasize the edge of objects and allows you to simulate a combination of watercolor paint and pencils.
Adjust the effect settings can be changed in the Effect Controls panel.
Simplicity.The simplification degree. The higher the value, the more details disappear.
Uniformity. The unevenness, blending, and blurring of the painted areas.
Density. The amount of brush strokes and paint layers.
Random Seed. An element of randomness in the arrangement of the brush strokes.
Size. The size of the brush strokes.
Brightness. The amount and intensity of paint in the stroke. At low values, the white background shows through paints.
Blur. The degree of spreading and smearing the brush strokes.
Use Contours. The check-box turns drawing lines on/off.
Thickness. The width of contours.
Sensitivity. The intensity of the contour lines.
In the Abstract Art group, you can change the color of strokes and the shapes of objects to give them an abstracted look.
Color. The number of strokes repainted in a different color.
Saturation. The parameter changes color intensity for random strokes.
Contrast. The parameter changes contrast for random strokes.
Distortion. The amount of shift and stretch. At a value of 0, there is no distortion.
Curvature. The waviness of contours during distortion.
Random Seed. The starting number for the random number generator. It defines the distortion shapes and color distribution.