AKVISニュース: 2009

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AKVIS Magnifier v.3.0: Increase Image Resolution without visible Quality Loss
AKVIS Magnifier has been updated to v.3.0. AKVIS Magnifier allows resizing images without noticeable loss in quality. If you attempt to blow up a picture (increase its resolution) using the standard Resize command of a photo editor, you will notice that the resulting photo is blurred and pixelated. The reason is that the input photo didn't contain enough information for the new size. AKVIS Magnifier copes with this problem and delivers good results. You can also use Magnifier to reduce the size of an image, which is especially useful for those who do not have a photo editor.
New to version 3.0:
- A new interface design.
- Added new measurement units to specify the size of the output image. In addition to pixels and per cent, it is now possible to set the size in centimeters, millimeters or inches.
- Added possibility to select image resolution when resizing.
- A new dialog box - Preferences. The dialog box contains overall program settings, such as switching on/off the Autorun mode, choosing the interface language, etc.
- Support for 64 bit has been added to the plug-in version (now compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS4 64 bit).
- Compatibility with Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 has been added.
- Compatibility with OS Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) and Windows 7.
- A new installation program on Windows. To avoid the problems Win-users must remove previous versions (using the Windows Control Panel) before installing this one.
- Portuguese language interface. Now the program supports 8 languages.
Test the software for 10 days free of charge.
Download the program here.
The registered users of Magnifier can update their version for free.

AKVIS Enhancer v.11: Support for 64-Bit, Plugin as a Smart Filter in CS3-CS4
AKVIS Enhancer v.11.0 for Windows and Macintosh has been released! AKVIS Enhancer is an image enhancement program that improves image detail, fixes dark, hazy, or out of focus photos, and creates HDR images (standalone version).
New to AKVIS Enhancer v.11:
- A new interface design.
- The plugin version supports the Smart Filter technology in Photoshop CS3-CS4. A Smart Filter is more flexible than a standard one, it can be modified and even removed any time during the processing of the photo, while a standard filter, once applied, can not be edited anymore.
- Support for 64 bit has been added to the plug-in version (now compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS4 64 bit).
- Compatibility with Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 has been added.
- Compatibility with OS Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) and Windows 7.
- A new installation program on Windows. To avoid the problems Win-users must remove previous versions (from Windows Control Panel) before installing this one.
- Portuguese language interface.
Attention! Registered users of Version 10 can upgrade to Version 11 for free!
For owners of older versions: upgrades to v.10-11 are available for $29 USD for any type of license.
Please download the program and to try all the new features for free during the evaluation period.
Take advantage of our special Christmas offer:
Christmas Time: If you have photo freaks among your friends, you can now present them an AKVIS program using our Xmas Gift Certificate. Printed on paper, this original present will delight your friends and inspire them in their creative work!

AKVIS Sketch V. 10: Make Drawings From Photos! Control Hatching, Support for 64-Bit
A new version of AKVIS Sketch has been released for Windows and Macintosh! AKVIS Sketch converts photos into pencil sketches (black and white or in color) and watercolor paintings. It can also convert a photo into a drawing in charcoal or pastel styles.
Other features include the ability to add text to an image, apply a canvas texture to the background, as well as background effects which can apply the sketch effect to only a selected area of an image or blur selected areas.
Version 10 includes these new features and improvements:
- The new Stroke Direction tool, which can be used to control hatch direction, and a set of parameters that affect the change in hatching when this tool is used (available under Home Deluxe and Business licenses).
- A new parameter in the Edges tab called Edge Strength, which controls how edges are drawn by affecting the intensity of lines and details.
- The Preview Window has been improved. Due to popular demand, the Preview Window now not only displays how the photo will appear as a drawing, it now also shows the effect of applying a canvas, making the selection of just the right texture faster and more efficient.
- Three new presets from AKVIS. Now there are a total of 11 built-in presets available.
- In Preferences it is now possible to choose whether to start the program with the last settings used or to start with the default settings.
- Now compatible with Windows 7 and Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6).
- The Sketch plug-in is now compatible with Photoshop CS 4 64 bit and PhotoShop Elements v. 8.
- A new installation program on Windows. To avoid the problems Win-users must remove previous versions before installing this one.
Attention! Registered users of Version 9 can upgrade to Version 10 for free! If you have an older version you will need to pay for an upgrade to Version 9 first.
Download AKVIS Sketch V. 10 and try all the features within the trial period.

AKVIS Noise Buster 7.0 Better Noise Suppression for Digital and Scanned Images
AKVIS Noise Buster reduces both luminance and color noise in digital images without blurring the edges of objects. Photos remain sharp and crisp, while the unwanted artifacts disappear.
New to AKVIS Noise Buster 7.0:
- The noise reduction algorithm has been improved.
- Automatic filtration has also been improved. It makes adjustments for particular kinds of noise based on four noise suppression parameters.
- Support for 64 bit has been added to the plug-in version (now compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS4 64 bit).
- Compatibility with Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 has been added.
- Now compatible with OS Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) and Windows 7.
- Bugs have been fixed in both the Windows and Macintosh versions.
- The Print Dialog Box (in standalone version) has been improved. Now a printer can be selected as well as its resolution.
- The interface has been redesigned (New Skin).
- The installer has been updated.
- Program documentation has been updated.
- Working with the Preview Window and the Before/After tabs is now more intuitive.
Test the software for 10 days free of charge.
Download the program for Macintosh and Windows here.
Registered users can upgrade to version 7.0 for free.

AKVIS ArtWork v.3.0: Painting techniques at your fingertips!
AKVIS ArtWork is designed to imitate different painting techniques. Version 3.0 offers three painting styles - Oil Painting, Comics and Pen & Ink.
New to Version 3.0. of AKVIS ArtWork:
- The new Pen & Ink style creates drawings that appear to be made with ink on paper. The ink color can be selected, as well as the color of the background.
- The Comics style has been remade to achieve better results. Use the program to make a comic strip from your party photos or to create a poster.
- New ready-to-use presets have been added to the Oil style.
- New interface design will make your work more comfortable.
- New options in the Preferences field: Restore last style and preset and Initial Scale.
- Added the possibility to import/export a list of presets.
Test the software for 10 days free of charge.
Download the program for Macintosh and Windows here.
ArtWork is also available in a bundle with AKVIS Sketch and AKVIS ArtSuite - Artistic Bundle.
Registered users can upgrade to version 3.0 for free. Just download the program using the link above and install the program.

AKVIS Sketch v.9.0: Improved Algorithm and New Features
AKVIS Sketch converts photos to realistic pencil drawings and watercolor paintings. Now you do not need to handle a pencil to feel like an artist. The new version competes with hand drawn art in flexibility and will spur your creative thought!
New to Version 9.0. of AKVIS Sketch:
- a new interface design;
- an improved algorithm of photo-to-sketch conversion (the option to use the old algorithm remains in the Options dialog box);
- a new parameter field for edge definition - Edges. Now it is possible to manipulate the thickness and sharpness of the created outlines;
- added possibility to change the saturation of color strokes when using the color pencil drawing mode (check-box Color Pencil);
- added 7 new ready-to-use AKVIS presets (charcoal, b&w sketch, pastel, etc);
- added the possibility to import/export a list of presets.
AKVIS Sketch is available as a stand-alone application, as well as a plugin to a photo editor.
Download version 9.0 (both editions included) and use it 10 days free of charge.
Attention! Upgrades for registered users are available for $39 USD for any type of license. The users who bought the program this month (in August 2009) can upgrade the program for free, just re-activate the program with the same key.

AKVIS Enhancer v.10: Smart Correction
AKVIS Enhancer v.10.0 has beed released. AKVIS Enhancer is an image enhancement program that improves image detail, fixes dark, hazy, or out of focus photos, and can create HDR images
Version 10.0 introduces Smart Correction mode, which makes tone corrections in dark and light areas for a selected color. The new mode is available in both versions of AKVIS Enhancer; in the plug-in and standalone versions.
Also this version has improved compatibility in Windows and in Macintosh has been made more stable.
Attention! Upgrades for registered users are available for $29 USD for any type of license.
It is possible to download the program and to try all the new features for free during the evaluation period.

AKVIS SmartMask v.2.5
AKVIS SmartMaskの新しいバージョンアップは出しました。 SmartMask を使用すると、難しい選択範囲作成作業をとても簡単にします。選択範囲作成にかかる時間が短縮される分、創造的な作業に時間を使うことができます。 変化の一覧表はダウンロードページであります。 登録使用者は無報酬にソフトウェアを上り坂することができます。

AKVIS MultiBrush v.4.1: 写真直すソフトウェア
AKVIS MultiBrushの新しいバージョンをリリースしました。 MultiBrushは、写真の不具合箇所を取り除いたり、被写体を複製するための写真修整ツールです。 このツールでは、写真内の類似部分を利用して、不具合箇所 (しみ、傷、チリなど) を修整することができます。

AKVIS MultiBrush v.4.0: 写真直すソフトウェア
AKVIS MultiBrush (=AKVIS Stamp)の新しいバージョンをリリースしました。 MultiBrushは、写真の不具合箇所を取り除いたり、被写体を複製するための写真修整ツールです。 このツールでは、写真内の類似部分を利用して、不具合箇所 (しみ、傷、チリなど) を修整することができます。
本プログラムは、2つのバージョン 独立したプログラム (スタンドアロン) およびフォトエディタ用プラグインとして提供されます。

AKVIS Retoucher 3.5: 写真レタッチするソフトウェア
AKVIS Retoucherの新しいバージョンアップは出しました。 AKVIS Retoucher は、写真のディテールを引き出すことができるツールです。 Retoucher を使用すると、チリ、傷、しみ、色あせなど、写真の不具合箇所を修整することができます。
チリや傷などの修整に伴う写真編集作業は、専門家でさえ時間のかかる作業です。不具合箇所を手作業で処理するのは時間のロスです。 Retoucher は、クリック 1 回で不具合箇所を取り除くことができるため、大幅に作業時間を減らすことができます。
写真を修整するには、「不具合箇所を選択し、ボタンをクリックする」・・・これで終了です。表面はなめらかになり、不具合箇所は消えてなくなります。目の前で傷があとかたもなく消えてゆくさまは、さながら魔法のようです。 Retoucher は、不具合箇所の修整時間を減らし生産性の向上を図る上で非常に強力なツールになるでしょう。
Retoucher V.3.5: 変化の一覧表はダウンロードページであります。
AKVIS Retoucherはプラグインです。 プラグイン対応の画像編集ソフトウェア (フォト エディタ) は、Adobe Photoshop、Photoshop Elements、Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo などです。
ソフトウェアのダウンロード。 すべてのユーザは、ソフトウェアを10日間無償で試用できます。

AKVIS Sketch v.8.6: 写真を鉛筆画や水彩画に自動的に変換する
AKVIS Sketch は、写真を鉛筆画や水彩画に自動的に変換するためのソフトウェアです。 もう鉛筆を片手にキャンバスに向かう必要はありません。必要な作業といえば、センスのいい写真と 本プログラムは、2つのバージョン 独立したプログラム (standalone - スタンドアロン) およびフォトエディタ用プラグインと (plugin) して提供されます。

AKVIS Decorator v.1.6: 被写体表面の色や模様を変更する
AKVIS Decoratorの新しいバージョンアップは出しました。 Decorator は、被写体表面の色や模様を違和感なく変更することができるプラグインです。 このプラグインを使用すると、女性のドレス、車体、家具など、写真の一部を選択して、新しい色や模様を適用することが可能です。たとえば、シンプルなドレスの模様を水玉模様やチェック柄に変更したり、ビロードや繻子のような質感を持たせることができます。
適用可能な模様のパターンは、布地、石材、金属、食物、自然要素など、豊富に用意されています。 AKVIS Decorator の用途はさまざまで、デザイン制作で実践的に使用することも、車体の模様をヘビ柄に変更するなど、遊び感覚で独自の画像を作成するために使用することもできます。
インテリアデザイナーであれば、家具、壁、カーテン、装飾品などの色や模様のパターンを何種類も作成して顧客に提案することができます。 Web デザイナーであれば、オンライン ショップの同じ商品 (瀬戸物類、毛布、衣服、家具など) を別々の色や模様でアピールすることができます。

AKVIS ArtWork v.2.0: イメージ写真をリアルな油絵に変換!
AKVIS ArtWorkは、様々なペイントテクニックを模倣できるよう設計されています。
本プログラムは、2つのバージョン 独立したプログラム (スタンドアロン) およびフォトエディタ用プラグインとして提供されます。





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