AKVIS SmartMask 12.0 | Выделение объекта и удаление фона

AKVIS SmartMask — Обзоры:

AKVIS SmartMask

(Ionut Ilascu, Softpedia, April 9, 2019)

Depending on the target object, making a selection in an image editing tool can be pretty time consuming task. Luckily, there are plenty of utilities ready to assist by offering various adjustment knobs to reach the best result.

AKVIS SmartMask was created for this sort of job and it is advertised by the developer as an efficient, time saving selection tool that can extract even more complex objects with the slightest effort from the user.

Despite the program being aimed at professionals, working with it is a simple job that can be carried out by less advanced users. The developers provides plenty of documentation that also includes instructions on how to perform various selections.

Moreover, each tool available in the program screen is explained as soon as you cross the mouse over it in the tooltip area in the lower right corner.


AKVIS SmartMask

(CHIP, 12/2017)
"Auch wenn teilweise kleine Bereiche des Hintergrundes mit ausgeschnitten werden,
spart SmartMask enorm viel Arbeit, Zeit und Nerven."

Michael Humpa | CHIP Software-Redaktion

Mit der Bildbearbeitung SmartMask von AKVIS wird das Ausschneiden schwieriger Objekte deutlich vereinfacht.

SmartMask ist gleichermaßen eine Standalone-Software, als auch ein Plug-in für die gängigsten Bildbearbeiter. Diese werden nach der Installation des Tools mit einem komfortablen Filter ausgestattet, der sich zum Beispiel gut dafür eignet, einzelne Personen aus einem Gruppenfoto herauszuschneiden.

Die Handhabung von SmartMask ist denkbar einfach. Mit einem Werkzeug markieren Sie grob das Innere der gewünschten Person und mit einem anderen Stift wird der Hintergrund angemalt.

Über eine Vorschaufunktion bekommen Sie vor der endgültigen Bearbeitung schon mal ein Vorergebnis, das dann gegebenenfalls noch überarbeitet werden kann.


AKVIS SmartMask 10.0

(Michael Kleper, The Kleper Report in Digital Publishing, MMXVII, No. 263 v.20.3)

AKVIS SmartMask 10.0 provides the easy-to-use tool and techniques to remove unwanted imagery from th background of a picture. It offers many improvements over previous versions, making the masking process faster and simpler.

The main issue with any masking solution is efficiently and effectively separating the foreground object from the background, yet retaining all of the detail of the retained object. This is especially difficult when dealing with complex imagery containing smoke, hair, fur, tree branches, glass, or transparent objects such as a wedding veil. SmartMask 10.0 has two modes: Auto, for automatic recognition of defined areas; and Manual, incorporating a set of tools to handle difficult background removal.


Akvis SmartMask 5

(L. Davenport, Silicon Mountain Macintosh User's Group, 09/2014)

I was very surprised and pleased with how easy it was to remove the background of even complex images. I also like that with only a couple of quick strokes of the keep and delete pencil tools, SmartMask was able to remove the background even from dimly lit photos.


iCreate: Akvis SmartMask

(iCreate, issue 94, 05/2011)

Make the task of cutting out much simpler with this plug-in

SmartMask does have some advanced tools for those that wish to make an absolutely perfect cutout and these take some time to learn. Overall this is a plug-in that will only really suit those who do an awful lot of cutting out.


Akvis SmartMask

(Donna Kamper, Tucson Computer Society, 7/2009)

If photographers would only shoot against plain high-contrast backgrounds my life would be considerably easier. But since they don’t, I may wind up spending an hour or two just making the selection. No matter what tool, feature or technique I use in Photoshop, some photos remain a challenge. So I asked to review SmartMask because I’m still looking for the perfect result – preferably with the least amount of work. <...>

I’m impressed enough with the results I got that I feel comfortable recommending this product. Their website offers several tutorials and examples that I found very useful.


AKVIS SmartMask 2. Photoshop Plug-in Helps Isolate Your Subject

(NAPP, photoshopuser.com, 01/2009)

SmartMask 2 is a Photoshop Plug-in that isolates and removes the background from a photo. The operation of the plug-in is relatively straightforward.


Isolate and Remove Objects from Digital Photos with AKVIS SmartMask

(brighthub.com, Michele McDonough, 2/2009)

After spending quite a bit of time testing AKVIS SmartMask, I am very impressed with its performance. In general, object selection and extraction can be a very tedious process, even with the help of plugins and other utilities. Not only does SmartMask make this type of editing as painless as possible, but it actually makes it enjoyable.
Despite its higher price tag, AKVIS SmartMask is definitely one of the plugins that I would put on my list of favorites. It may take a little more time to learn to use than other applications, but that is mostly due to the richness of the application.


AKVIS SmartMask 2.0: maschere facili con Photoshop

(Mauro Notarianni , Macity, 06/2008 - итальянский)

Nuova versione di un plug-in Photoshop per la selezione di elementi complessi con maschere...


AKVIS SmartMask. Photoshop masking tool

(Marco Gransee, SnapFiles.com, WebAttack Inc, 4/2008)

AKVIS SmartMask is a Photoshop compatible plug-in that enables you to easily make complex selections from photos in order to mask out people and objects. You can simply draw a rough outline with the blue pencil inside the objects you want to select, and then use the red pencil to to mark the background area. The program uses these markings to analyze the image and remove the background area. You can further fine-tune the mask to correct fine details, preview the mask on different background and then save it as a new layer in your project. Produces very good results with minimum efforts.


AKVIS SmartMask

(MyphotoSoft, 2/2008)

SmartMask is one of the latest releases of Akvis, the producer of Chameleon, LightShop, and Retoucher. The program is after the same goal as all the other selection plug-ins – to make the selection progress smooth, easy, quick, and effective. Depending on the type of source images the user can employ one of three algorithms or their combination to achieve best results. This and the compatibility of SmartMask with quite a number of Photo Editing Programs makes this plug-in different from the others in the first place. But we shall look at what and how it can do on a number of images...


AKVIS SmartMask 1.1

(Simon Baillie, SharewareJunkies.com, 2/2008)

This is another fine piece of software from the Akvis stable which makes complicated image selection within an image remarkably simple and as usual there is an excellent online tutorial

The idea is so simple that even a child can master this. There are two pencils (red and blue); you draw a line with the blue pencil inside the object you want to select (for example, yourself on a group photo), and with the red pencil - some lines outside the object, to define the areas that should be cut out (other guys in the photo), then process it...