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AKVIS ArtSuite 21.0 | Efectos y marcos para decorar fotos

Todas las reseñas de ArtSuite (Frame Suite) son en el idioma de la fuente original.

AKVIS ArtSuite — Reseñas:


(, Eva Williams, 5/2021)

Rank 4.5/5

Verdict: AKVIS ArtSuite is a great software for enhancing images with frames and effects. It is easy to use and contains an impressive library of various options.

This program is suitable for amateurs and professional photographers alike. You can simply add frames to your shots to make your album look brighter. Besides, you can apply high-quality effects.


Con Akvis ArtSuite 17 le decorazioni fotografiche sono infinite su Mac e PC

(Mauro Notarianni, Macitynet, 9/2019)

AKVIS ArtSuite è un software per la decorazione fotografica che aggiunge vari effetti e cornici alle foto digitali: la nuova versione Akvis ArtSuite 17 fornisce l’aggiornata Gestione dei pacchetti di cornici (in Composizioni artistiche) con la possibilità di creare pacchetti di cornici personalizzati. Inoltre, è stato aggiunto il pulsante Elimina. La funzione Elaborazione batch è stata migliorata.<...>

Dal sito dello sviluppatore è possibile scaricare una versione perfettamente funzionante per 10 giorni con la quale l’utente può farsi una idea delle funzioni e delle potenzialità dell’applicazione.


AKVIS ArtSuite

(Ana Marculescu, Softpedia, 3/2019)

AKVIS ArtSuite is a software application whose purpose is to help you boost the quality of your images and personalize them with the aid of different frames and effects.

AKVIS ArtSuite lets you work with different types of frames, such as Classic, Pattern, Strokes, Spray, Artistic, and Hand Painted. Depending on the type of frame that you want to use, the utility puts at your disposal a series of tweaking functions.

For example, if you opt for adding a classic frame to your image, you may choose between different models (e.g. Carpet, Brick, Animals, Nature, Holidays, Wooden), adjust the frame width and texture brightness, flip the texture vertically, and scale picture to frame.

Last but not least, you may add effects (e.g. Black and White, Shift Colors, Texture, Glamour) and manually adjust each effect according to your preferences.

All things considered, AKVIS ArtSuite comes with a decent feature pack for helping you personalize postcards, holiday albums, desktop wallpapers or other favorite images using frames and effects.


Beschenken Sie sich selbst - mit AKVIS-Programmen

(Detlev Motz, fotoGen, 11/12 2018)

Es gibt viele Programme, welche zu Bildverbesserungen führen. Aber auch solche, die beispielsweise Rahmen liefern. In diesem Fall für jeden Zweck. <...> Das Winterpaket enthält 50 Rahmen und kostet 11 Euro. Von den hier gezeigten zwei Weihnachtsrahmen gibt es in 2 Weihnachtspaketen je 50 oder 100 Rahmen. Dazu kommen noch endlos viele Rahmenpakete mit diversen Themen. Damit ist es möglich, Postkarten und Bilder, zu fast jedem Thema inklusive Rahmen herzustellen. Man kann sagen, die Preise dazu „halten sich im Rahmen“.


Few Tips to Work With Akvis Christmas Pack and Photoshop CC

(Bojan Živković, DESIGNEASY, 12/2013)

Akvis offers 50 hand painted frames with Christmas and New Year decorations. Frames are really fabulous and more then affordable: entire package will cost you only $15. Only 50 cents per frame! Requirement to use frames is Akvis ArtSuite Standalone installed on your machine.

In this post I will give you few tips how to use frames pack in ArtSuite, preview of all frames included in package, tips for batch processing and download links to get free fonts, styles and PSD templates with text effects.


Akvis Artistic Suite Review

(Bojan Živković, DesignEasy, 11/2013)

Akvis ArtSuite:

This is plugin for anyone who likes frames, borders and special effects. Who doesn't? This app works alone because there are lot of effects which can be used before adding frames but it works excellent and with Akvis ArtWork to decorate paintings using frames from my favourite collection of frames: Classic Frames > Antique. Beside Antique Collection I like and Wooden frames which are also scary realistic…

Frames are almost live, as I have captured and extracted them few minutes ago.

Effects are also fabulous with again fabulous presets which in most cases actually does not need almost any further refinements although you can refine every preset and even save it for later use. My favourites in Effects section are Black and White and Halftone which will leave you without breath from the first use.


Software Review: AKVIS Frame Suite

(Mark Mattson, Computer Users of Erie, Horizons, 2/2008)

Edge effect framing is becoming all the rage lately with digital images. As they are easy to apply and manipulate, they can be seen all over the place, enhancing the work of many photographers. There are many sources for frames and edge effects, but one of the best places is from good ‘ol AKVIS, with their Frame Suite package.


AKVIS Frame Suite 2.5

(Door Evi Maquoi,, 11/2007)

Mooie foto’s verdienen mooie kaders. Dat is in ieder geval het opzet van AKVIS Frame Suite. Met dit programma geeft u uw favoriete afbeeldingen in enkele luttele seconden een knap lijstje. Kiddy, artistiek, klassiek of creatief... AKVIS Frame Suite heeft veel in zijn mars! <...>
AKVIS Frame Suite beschikt over meer dan tien soorten kaders. Indien u bijvoorbeeld voor Pattern kiest, kunt u een kleurrijke kleine afbeelding kiezen en daarmee een lijstje maken. De grootte, richting en achtergrondkleur van uw afbeelding kunt u zonder problemen aan uw wensen aanpassen. Deze lijsttechniek oogt schattig en is daardoor ideaal om kinderfoto’s op te fleuren.


AKVIS Frame Suite 2.5

(L. Davenport,, 9/2007)

AKVIS Frame Suite is designed to spruce up the look of your photos by adding a frame or edge effect. There are eleven different frame/edge distortion categories that you can apply to your photos: Classic, Patterns, Strokes, Scratches, Page Curl, Squares, Ragged, Spray, Artistic, Frost, and Artistic Crop. A twelfth category is called Texture. Instead of modifying the edge of the photo, it will let you apply a pattern (to give it a bumpy appearance) to the whole picture. All categories give you settings that you can modify so you can get the frame/effect you are looking for. <...>
AKVIS Frame Suite is easy to learn and use. I like that if it doesn’t have a frame that you want-you can import your own designs. I also like the fact that it has a stand-alone version. Typically, AKVIS’ programs come as plug-ins. So if you don’t have a compatible photo editor, you can’t use their plug-in. Not any longer. I noticed that four out of ten of their programs now have stand-alone versions.


AKVIS Frame Suite 1.0

(Geetesh Bajaj,, 5/2007)

Photoshop and other image editors include a tange of tools that do allow you to create different types of frames. However, most of these tools are not automatic nor do they contain a library of preset frames that can be tweaked.
AKVIS Frame Suite, a Photoshop compatible plug-in contains an impressive collection frames and edge effects that can be used to add a creative flair to your images. And if you are not happy with the default frames provided, you can tweak them and create your own preset.